Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Important Events From This day in History April 9


1974 U.S.A. Nuclear Power Debate

1974 : As oil prices continue to rise major debates are continuing in Government over the increased use of Nuclear power for electricity production or increasing the number of Coal Fired plants with opponents on both sides due to safety and environmental concerns The price of a gallon of gas had changed from 40 cents in 1973 to 55 cents in 1974 an increase of 36% in 12 months. Below Video explains how nuclear power is made Find More What happened in 1974

2003 Iraq Statue of Saddam Hussein

2003 : Iraqis turn on symbols of former leader, pulling down a statue of Saddam Hussein and tearing it to pieces as US tanks roll into the centre of Baghdad.

1865 U.S.A. Robert E. Lee surrenders

1865 : Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered his army to Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House in Virginia.

1924 U.S.A. Hoof and Mouth

1924 : An increased number of Hoof and Mouth Cases are being reported in the current epidemic with and additional 200 plus cows reported with the disease each day in California alone.

1927 U.S.A. Mae West Arrested

1927 : Mae West is Arrested during her starring role in the play "Sex" which she wrote, produced, directed and starred in on Broadway. She was prosecuted on morals charges and sentenced to 10 days in jail for public obscenity.

1940 Germany invades Norway and Denmark

1940 : Nazi Germany invades neutral Norway and Denmark, surprising the Norwegian, Danish and British defenders of the countries and capturing several strategic points along the coast.

1942 Philippines Surrender To Japanese

1942 : American and Filipino defenders taking a last stand to the Japanese invasion begun in December 1941 on Bataan surrender to Japanese forces during World War II. The Japanese then forced the 70,000 captured American and Filipino soldiers to march more than a hundred kilometers from Bataan to Tarlac known as the "Bataan Death March" . The Allied and the Philippine Commonwealth forces began the campaign to recapture the Philippines in 1944, with landings on the island of Leyte, and the battle was still going until the Japanese surrender on 2 September 1945 following the dropping of atomic bombs "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, and "Fat Man" over the city of Nagasaki, Japan.

1947 U.S.A. Tornado Woodward, Oklahoma

1947 : A severe Tornado hit Woodward, Oklahoma where 200 residential blocks were completely leveled and nearly 1,000 homes were razed. 107 people were killed in Woodward and many more were injured.

1959 America's First Astronauts

1959 : NASA the National Aeronautics and Space Administration introduces America's first astronauts to the world, Scott Carpenter, L. Gordon Cooper Jr., John H. Glenn Jr., Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Walter Schirra Jr., Alan Shepard Jr., and Donald Slayton to take part in Project Mercury, America's first manned space program.

1969 UK Race Relations

1969 : As race relations continue to worsen in Britain a group of cConductors and drivers on Wolverhampton buses who are practicing Sikhs have won the right to wear turbans on duty after the leader of a Sikh group, Sohan Singh Jolly, had threatened to burn himself to death in protest.

1984 UK Miners Strike

1984 : Violence at picket lines during the Miners Strikes in the coal industry leads to 100's of picketers arrested during violent clashes with police outside two working coal pits in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.

1986 France Renault

1986 : The French government ruled against the privatization of leading French car maker Renault but did agree to shares in the car maker to the public.

1992 U.S.A. Manuel Noriega

1992 : Former Panamanian ruler Manuel Noriega was convicted in Miami of drug and racketeering charges.

1999 Ibrahim Bare Mainassara

1999 : The president of Niger, Ibrahim Bare Mainassara, has been assassinated in an apparent coup attempt.

2001 American Airlines Gets Bankrupt TWA

2001 : Trans World Airlines established in 1930 filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2001 as part of the deal for American Airlines to acquire Trans World Airlines making American Airlines the No. 1 carrier in the United States.


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