Sunday, May 12, 2024

Important Events From This day in History May 12


12 May,1937 England King George VI

1937 : King George VI was crowned at Westminster Abbey. King George was second in line to the throne but following his younger brother Edward who abdicated so he could marry American socialite Wallis Simpson he became King. King George's wife was the much loved Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon much better known as "Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother", who died at the grand old age of 102 on March 30th 2002. Their oldest daughter Queen Elizabeth is current Queen of England.

12 May,1932 U.S.A. Lindbergh Baby Found Dead

1932 : The Baby son kidnapped from Charles Lindbergh was found dead just miles away from the Lindbergh home today.

12 May,1966 U.S.A. Draft Deferment Test

1966 : Hundreds of thousands of College and University Students are preparing to sit the Draft Deferment Test , The test is a way for them to convince the Draft Board that they would serve the nation better in the quiet of the Classrooms than in the Jungles of Vietnam.

2008 China Earthquake Magnitude 7.8

2008 : An Earthquake measuring 7.8 strikes near Chengdu, Sichuan's provincial capital in south western China. Early reports indicate primary school buildings collapsed in the Chongqing area leaving hundreds of children buried in the rubble. As the full scale of the destruction caused by the largest earthquake in China for many years become known, the death toll is expected to reach 60,000 and up to five million Chinese are now homeless. Video shot by students during the earthquake.

12 May,1926 England General Strike Ends

1926 : The British general strike ends with no changes for working conditions or wages for the miners.

12 May,1935 Poland Joseph Pilsudski

1935 : The Polish dictator Joseph Pilsudski has died and thousands mourn in Poland meanwhile the rest of Europe are wondering how the passing of this strong man will effect alliances in Europe.

1943 Tunisia World War II

1943 : Allied Armies completed the conquest of Tunisia in North Africa as a base for invasion of Southern Europe capturing some 150,000 prisoners, 1000 guns and 250 tanks. The two generals commanding this part of the war in North Africa General Eisenhower and General Alexander said the conquest of North Africa is now complete.

12 May,1949 Germany West Berlin Blockade

1949 : After blocking all road traffic into West Berlin for 11 months after diplomatic meetings around the world the Soviet Union has lifted the blockade of road and rail links. The Blockade of West Berlin had been broken by a U.S. / British airlift of vital supplies to West Berlin's two million citizens.

12 May,1967 England Stansted Airport

1967 : British Government has agreed to allow development of Stansted Airfield to become London's third airport, currently the airfield is used mostly for pilot training.

1971 France Mick Jagger

1971 : The Rolling Stones singer, Mick Jagger, marries Bianca Perez Morena de Macias at a civil ceremony in the local town hall in the French Mediterranean town of St Tropez.

1973 U.S.A. Pentagon Papers Trial

1973 : The Pentagon Papers trial which was focused on THE FIRST AMENDMENT and The Governments Authority to control information and the Public's access to that information has now ended and with a verdict of NOT GUILTY for the defendants Daniel Ellsburg and Anthony J Russo Jr , but many of the answers given by defendants and testimony by witnesses raise many more questions concerning the Watergate Affair. ( This eventually led to Impeachment proceedings against President Nixon ) Daniel Ellsberg was a contributor but gave most of the Pentagon Papers to New York Times reporter Neil Sheehan, with Ellsberg's friend Anthony Russo assisting in their copying.

1981 Northern Ireland IRA Hunger Striker

1981 : Following the death of Bobby Sands on May 5th a second IRA hunger striker, 25-year-old Francis Hughes, starves to death in the Maze Prison in Northern Ireland.

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