Monday, May 13, 2024

Important Events From This day in History May 13


13 May,1938 U.S.A. "When the Saints Go Marching In"

1938 : "When the Saints Go Marching In" was recorded by Louis Armstrong and his Orchestra. Though the song was first written to be a spiritual song, many jazz and folk artists have adopted it and made it very popular throughout the years.

13 May,1985 U.S.A. MOVE Philadelphia

1985 : Philadelphia Police Department drop a bomb containing C-4 and Tovex from a helicopter onto MOVE's residence part of a row of tenements on Osage Avenue, the explosion started an uncontrolled fire and as a result, 53 houses burned and 240 people were left homeless. John Africa, six other adults and four children, who were living in the MOVE Cult Home died in the resulting fire. Police were attempting to enforce outstanding arrest warrants for four members of the group by blowing up tactical bunkers constructed by MOVE on the roof and had evacuated people from their Osage Avenue homes in order to prepare for an operation against MOVE. MOVE was a mostly black group whose members all adopted the surname Africa, advocated a 'back-to-nature' lifestyle and preached against technology.

13 May,1981 Vatican Pope John Paul II Shot

1981 : Pope John Paul II, is shot in St Peter's Square in Rome in front of 20,000 worshipers. Police in the square apprehended Turkish citizen Mehmet Ali Agca after the shooting.

13 May,1939 Italy Benito Mussolini

1939 : The Italian leader Benito Mussolini and German Leader Adolf Hitler are planning tours of borders with France and the border between Tunisia and Libya together with Poland. The Italian Leader is expected to give an anti-french speech in the next 2 days over the disputed areas Italy believes should be Italian and not French controlled offering a last chance for France to come to a peaceful settlement over Italian territorial claims.

13 May,1940 England Queen Wilhelmina

1940 : Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands safely arrived in England as a refuge from the invading Nazi Germany.

13 May,1940 Churchill First Speech as UK Prime Minister

1940 : Following Winston Churchill becoming leader of the British Coalition Government in his first speech as prime minister he told the British House of Commons "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat."

1947 Germany Severe Food Shortages

1947 : In Germany calls have been made for urgent assistance in the American Zone and the British Zone as residents in both areas are now suffering with severe shortages of food which is causing mass starvation, this is in turn causing antagonism and resentment to America and England.

13 May,1960 France Cold War Summit

1960 : A Summit scheduled for tomorrow with the 4 most powerful leaders who have a vested interest in the future of Germany is focused on how to proceed in Germany , the Russians want recognition of East Germany and an end to the cold war and disarmament. The 4 leaders who will be attending are Eisenhower, Macmillan, Khrushchev and de Gaulle. This is also seen by many as a showdown between Eisenhower and Khrushchev over the American U2 spy plane shot down in Russian Airspace on the May 1. Each of these leaders is expressing the same desires to end the Cold War, nuclear disarmament and an end to the build up military forces.

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