Monday, May 20, 2024

Important Events From This day in History May 20


20 May, 1961 U.S.A. "Freedom Riders"

1961 : An angry mob consisting of all white's attacked a busload of Freedom Riders (Freedom Riders were testing the United States Supreme Court decision Boynton v. Virginia, that gave them a legal right to disregard local segregation ordinances regarding interstate transportation facilities) in Montgomery, Ala., prompting the federal government to send in United States marshals to restore order.

20 May, 1862 U.S.A. The Homestead Act

1862 : President Abraham Lincoln signs into law the original Homestead Act on May 20th, 1862. The Homestead Act gave an applicant freehold title to up to 160 acres (1/4 section, 65 hectares) of undeveloped federal land outside the original 13 colonies.

20 May, 1927 U.S.A. Charles Lindbergh

1927 : Charles Lindbergh who many called the "flying fool" has set off from Roosevelt Field in Long Island, NY, today flying the "Spirit of St. Louis" on an epic flight from New York to Paris and is a milestone in flying aviation history, he is expected to arrive in Paris sometime late tomorrow. His plane A Ryan is expected to travel up to 125 MPH as the fuel load decreases. He completed the 33-hour, 30-minute flight and landed at Le Bourget Airport, Paris on the evening of 21 May.

20 May, 1927 Britain Saudi Arabia

1927 : Britain recognizes the independence of Saudi Arabia.

20 May, 1936 U.S.A. Largest Bond Issue In History

1936 : The US Treasury has announced the largest bond issue in history for June 15th of 1 Billion Dollars , this is in addition treasury floating $100,000,000 of treasury bills issued each week. The bonds will help pay for the large scale public works putting millions of Americans back to work.

20 May, 1941 U.S.A. "You Made Me Love You"

1941 : Harry James and his orchestra recorded "You Made Me Love You." The famed bandleader made many movie appearances and was one of the most successful of his time.

1942 U.S.A. Glenn Miller and His Orchestra

1942 : "I've Got A Gal in Kalamazoo" was recorded by Glenn Miller and His Orchestra. The song made it to the top spot on the music charts for seven weeks, only being knocked off by Bing Crosby's White Christmas.

1944 Assassination Attempt On Adolf Hitler

1944 : A group of officers from the German Army attempt an assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler by exploding a bomb in his headquarters during a staffing meeting.

1952 U.S.A. Wages and Inflation

1952 : With many workers wanting to keep pace with the increases in the cost of living pay increases of up to 15% are being requested with many employers already settling on wage increases ranging from 8% to 11% this year.

1956 U.S.A. H Bomb Tests

1956 : The first hydrogen bomb dropped from an aircraft is exploded by America over Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific.

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