Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Important Events From This day in History May 22


22 May, 1981 England The Yorkshire Ripper

1981 : The Yorkshire ripper Peter Sutcliffe has been found guilty of killing 13 women and the attempted murder of 7 others. and is sentenced to a minimum of 30 years in jail.

22 May, 1989 China Tiananmen Square in Beijing

1989 : Students have now occupied Tiananmen Square in Beijing for the 10th day protesting for the pro-democracy movement in China , the total number now exceeds 45,000 and conditions are worsening and the Government in China is considering ways to quell the protesters after the military has stated they will not attack the protesters.

22 May, 1927 China Earthquake

1927 : An earthquake measuring 8.6 on Richter scale strikes Xining in the eastern part of Qinghai province It was one of the deadliest earthquakes on record with a total count of 200,000 deaths.

22 May, 1933 U.S.A. Federal Emergency Relief Fund

1933 : The Federal Emergency Relief fund has given 8 states a total of $5,336,317 in relief funding today to pay for welfare programs including Texas and Washington State.

22 May, 1972 President Richard Nixon Visits Soviet Union

1972 : President Richard Nixon the first US president to visit Moscow arrives for talks with Soviet leaders over "international issues" including the war in Vietnam and the current Nuclear Arms Race. During his week long visit a treaty to halt the nuclear arms race Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (Salt) was agreed which limits the two superpowers to 200 defensive nuclear missiles each. The other important agreement was to work together more in space exploration which will the two countries first joint manned venture into space in June 1975.

1972 Ceylon Change Name To Sri Lanka

1972 : Ceylon changes it's name from Ceylon to Sri Lanka.

1990 Yemen

1990 : After 150 years separation, Marxist South Yemen and conservative North Yemen are unified as the Republic of Yemen.

1998 Indonesia Protesters

1998 : Heavily armed soldiers marched into Parliament in Jakarta to evict anti-government student protesters who were protesting about the amount of government corruption in Indonesia, this follows weeks of riots against the current administration over corruption and the economy.

2000 Lebanon Hezbollah

2000 : Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shia Muslim militant group supported by Syria and Iran, take over several outposts abandoned by the Israeli-backed South Lebanon Army in Israel's southern occupation zone.

2003 US and UK take control of Iraq

2003 : The U.N. Security Council gives the U.S. and Britain a mandate to rule Iraq, ending 13 years of economic sanctions.

2008 Kenya 19 Arrested Over Witch Burning

2008 : Eight women and three men, aged between 80 and 96, were burned to death when they were accused of being witches in the western Kisii district of Kenya 19 have now been arrested connection with the murders.

2008 Italy to Restart Nuclear Program

2008 : The Italian government announced it would restart its nuclear program more than twenty years after it was ended. The previous program was ended after the Chernobyl nuclear accident in Ukraine. Officials in Italy stated that a new nuclear program could reduce the country's reliance on other energy sources such as oil and natural gas.

2010 Boy Becomes Youngest to Climb Everest

2010 : Jordan Romero, a thirteen year old boy from the United States, became the youngest person to climb Mount Everest. The boy set out with his father and three Sherpas from Kathmandu and traveled to the Chinese side of the mountain where there are no age restrictions for climbers. Romero had already scaled five of the highest peaks on the seven continents, adding Everest as his sixth.

2011 Devastating Tornado Hits Missouri

2011 : A devastating tornado cutting a six mile path through the city of Joplin in Missouri. The tornado left much of the city with out power and damaged nearly two-thousand buildings. There were reports of over one-thousand injuries and at least one-hundred and fifteen people were found dead with many more unaccounted for. The city with a population of 50,000 people was expected to receive disaster relief, as the Missouri Governor, Jay Nixon, declared a state of emergency in the state.

2011 Mexico Army General Shot Dead

2011 : A recently retired Mexican army general was shot dead near Mexico City, Mexico. General Jorge Juarez Loera, who had retired earlier in May, was the third highest ranking general in the Mexican army and a key figure in its war with drug trade. General Juarez Loera was travelling in a private car and got out to investigate an accident when he was shot, officials were unsure if he was being directly targeted.

2013 Venezuela Tries to End Toilet Paper Shortage

2013 : The Venezuelan government has approved creating a seventy-nine million dollar credit for the importation of toilet paper, toothpaste and soap. The socialist country had been facing chronic shortages of toilet paper. Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro says that the country's economic problems are a conspiracy against the country by wealthier nations, while economic analysts believe that the government's price controls and state-controlled industries have made the economy imbalanced.

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