Friday, May 03, 2024

Important Events From This day in History May 3


3 May, 1991 U.S.A. Last Dallas Episode Shown

1991 : "Dallas " goes off the air after running from Saturday, September 23rd, 1978 on CBS for more than 13 seasons.

3 May, 1943 England Possible German Invasion

1943 : Plans are in place to combat an invasion by Germany of England later this year as they are thought to favor invading England which would complete the conquest of Western Europe rather than continuing into Russia. ( History tells us that the decision in the end was to march into Russia and many historians wonder if the war would have been very different if they had gone for England )

3 May, 1920 Northern Ireland Sinn Feinn

1920 : Sinn Feinn staged a protest in Belfast a number of windows were smashed during the protest of local protestant churches.

3 May, 1926 England General Strike

1926 : A General Strike is called by the General Council of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) in an attempt to force the government to act to prevent wage reduction and worsening conditions for coal miners. The strike lasted 9 days with about 1.5 - 1.75 million taking part and included workers from key industries, such as railwaymen, transport workers, printers, dockers and ironworkers and steelworkers, the strike did not achieve it's objective in fact many miners did not get their jobs back and those that were employed were forced to accept longer hours and lower wages. 1926

3 May, 1930 Germany Graf Zeppelin Airship

1930 : Preparations are being made for the first flight across the South Atlantic From Germany to Brazil of the Graf Zeppelin Airship later this month via Spain, and it is hoped this will then be a long term flight destination.

1939 U.S.A. "Roll Out the Barrel"

1939 : "Beer Barrel Polka" was recorded by The Andrews Sisters. The song, also known as "Roll Out the Barrel" became a popular standard during World War II and became a favorite of music lovers around the world. More about the year 1939

1944 U.S.A. Meat Rationing Ends

1944 : Meat Rationing ends for all meats, except for beef steaks and beef roasts.

1946 Japan War Crimes Trials

1946 : The International Military Tribunals for the Far East starts conducting trials for those military and government officials accused of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity during World War II. At the end of the trial seven are sentenced to death including General Hideki Tojo ( Japanese premier during the war) Iwane Matsui ( who organized the Rape of Nanking ) , and Heitaro Kimura ( Who brutalized Allied prisoners of war ) sixteen others are sentenced to life imprisonment.

1948 U.S.A. Sale Of Property Covenants

1948 : The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that covenants prohibiting the sale of real estate to blacks and other minorities were legally unenforceable.

1950 U.S.A. Chrysler Strike Ends

1950 : The United Auto Workers Union called off their 100 day strike against Chrysler Corporation sending 144,000 back to work.

1951 UK Festival of Britain

1951 : The Festival of Britain is opened at the Royal Festival Hall by King George VI. The festival marks the centenary of the Great Exhibition of 1851.

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