Thursday, June 27, 2024

Important Events From This day in History June 27

1957 Great Britain Smoking and Lung Cancer Linked

1957 : A report by the British Medical Research Council has found there is a direct link between smoking and lung cancer, and the British government will launch an educational campaign to raise awareness on the dangers of smoking. Tobacco firms who sell cigarettes have rejected the findings saying they are merely a 'matter of opinion'.

1998 UK Diana Memorial Concert Althorp

1998 : A concert at Althorp where Princess Diana is buried raises substantial sums for the Princess Diana memorial fund, stars performing at the concert include Chris de Burgh, David Hasselhoff, Jasper Carrott, Jimmy Ruffin, Julian Lloyd Webber, The Royal Academy of Music and Sir Cliff Richard.

1929 U.S.A. New Immigration Laws

1929 : New Immigration laws come into place next week with an increased number of immigrants from England and Ireland but decreases from many other countries in Latin America and Mexico where many of the quotas are already used up for the year.

1940 World War II Enigma Machine

1940 : Germany started using their most sophisticated coding machine, Enigma, to transmit information and a team in England headed by some of the best mathematical brains set about breaking the code, and by the time of the German invasion of Poland the code was broken and all messages that the Germans still believed were secure were decoded by the allies.

1944 Cherbourg Liberated By Allies

1944 : Allied forces liberate Cherbourg as the first step to liberating France and the beginning of the end for World War II.

1957 Nigeria Promised Independence

1957 : Nigeria is the largest colony in the commonwealth that does not have independence and the British Government has promised independence after free elections have been held in Nigeria.

1976 Sudan Ebola Virus

1976 : The world’s first recorded Ebola virus epidemic begins making its way through the area. By the time the epidemic is over, 284 cases are reported, with about half of the victims dying from the disease.

1985 U.S.A. Supreme Court Ruling

1985 : The Supreme Court invalidated a Connecticut law stating that workers had the right not to work on their chosen religious day off. This was done in an effort to make sure that the government remains neutral regarding the subject of religion.

1986 U.S.A. Nicaragua

1986 : The United Nations International Court of Justice has found the United States guilty of violating international law by training, arming and financing armed paramilitary Contra rebels in Nicaragua.

1991 Slovenia Yugoslav Troops

1991 : Following Slovenia declaring independence Yugoslav tanks, troops and aircraft sweep into the republic of Slovenia, seizing control of border crossing points with Italy, Austria and Hungary and gaining control of other strategic areas of the country to crush the uprising.

1998 KKK Marches In Jasper, Texas

1998 : Three men who are linked to the KKK have been arrested and charged with the murder of James Byrd and members of the activist Black Panthers group are marching in protest to members of the Ku Klux Klan staging a demonstration in the Texan town of Jasper. Racial tensions in the town are continuing following the racially motivated murder of James Byrd three weeks ago.

2002 Canada G8 Summit

2002 : Leaders of the world's richest nations meeting at the G8 summit in Canada have agreed to promote economic and political development in Africa. They have agreed to fund the military regional intervention force to help stop wars and civil wars on the continent which cause many of the problems in the area. They have also agreed to fund a program to eradicate polio. The other important announcement is the increase of debt relief for poorest countries by $1bn.

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