Friday, June 28, 2024

Important Events From This day in History June 28


1997 Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield

1997 : Mike Tyson was disqualified after biting off part of Evander Holyfield's ear.

1837 Queen Victoria Coronation

1837 : Queen Victoria moves to Buckingham Palace, and the coronation takes place at Westminster Abbey on June 28th, 1837.

1919 : Germany signs the Treaty of Versailles with the Allies, officially ending World War I.

1925 U.S.A. Jack Dempsey

1925 : A match between Jack Dempsey and Georges Carpentier scheduled for July 2nd will attract the largest crowd ever for a Boxing match with over 70,000 tickets sold and all accommodation in the area and for many miles sold out when the World Heavyweight Champion defends his title in Jersey City.

1940 England Free French Forces

1940 : Following the German occupation of France General Charles De Gaulle, set up headquarters in England for free French Forces and is recognized as the Leader.

1952 South Africa Nelson Mandela Jailed

1952 : Police struck at the heart of the resistance to segregation by throwing top jailing the leaders of the movement for crossing forbidden race barriers the leaders included Nelson Mandela.

1958 Algeria Political Prisoners Released

1958 : With tensions increasing in Algeria and the call by Muslim nationalists for independence. General Charles de Gaulle has announced the release of 30 Algerian political prisoners prior to local elections in Algeria, and a referendum of all French citizens on changes to the constitution which may well include additional independence for Algeria.

1960 Great Britain Mining Disaster

1960 : A gas explosion at a coal mine at the Six Bells Colliery in Abertillery, Monmouthshire, Wales has left 37 dead and a further 8 missing presumed dead.

1969 U.S.A. The Stonewall Riot

1969 : A police raid of the Stonewall Inn a gay club located on New York City's Christopher Street turns violent as patrons and local sympathizers begin rioting against the police this was known as The Stonewall Riot.

1972 U.S.A. Vietnam

1972 : President Nixon announces that no more draftees will be sent to Vietnam unless they volunteer and a continuing decrease in US troops in Vietnam will continue.

1991 UK Margaret Thatcher

1991 : The former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher who has held her Finchley seat for more than 30 years has announced she is to give up her seat (Member of Parliament for Finchley) in the House of Commons at the next general election.

1992 U.S.A. California Earthquakes

1992 : Two of the strongest earthquakes ever to hit California strike the desert area east of Los Angeles, a 7.3-magnitude quake in Landers, 100 miles east of Los Angeles. Just over three hours later, a second 6.3-magnitude tremor hit in Big Bear just e few miles from the first quake.

1999 U.S.A. Trillion Dollar Surplus

1999 : Following nine straight years of economic growth in the US, the US Government says that its budget surplus will be $1,000bn which it plans to use for strengthening Medicare and paying off some of the countries $3,700bn national debt. The current National debt is $9.0 trillion or $90,000.0 billion or nearly 24 X what it was in 1990 just 9 years ago.

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