Saturday, June 29, 2024

Important Events From This day in History June 29


1974 Argentina Evita

1974 : President Isabel Peron, Juan Peron's third wife, was the Western Hemisphere's first female head of government after becoming President when her husband died. Argentina was suffering from serious economic and political strife and she was unable to form a government and the countries problems continued to worsen. After a military coup in 1976 she was imprisoned for five years on a charge of abuse of power and upon her release in 1981 settled in Madrid.

1956 U.S.A. Federal Aid Highway Act

1956 : Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 bill into law. The National Interstate and Defense Highways Act was for the construction of 41,000 miles of interstate highways over a 20-year period and was the largest public works project ever undertaken. For each highway created 90 percent of construction costs were paid by the Federal budget and 10% from the local state.

1925 Santa Barbara Earthquake

1925 : The picturesque Santa Barbara was rocked by an earthquake causing heavy loss of life when the dam burst and water mains burst causing some of areas of the city to be flattened . The quake was felt as far away as San Francisco and Los Angeles with many millions of dollars worth of damage across California, The earthquake was also felt in other states including Montana with more damage.

1936 U.S.A. Public Works Program

1936 : 3 millions job program launched as part of the relief and public works program the WPA average wage has been set at $25.00 per month, this was a major part of the bills passed in the 1930s to help the country during the Great Depression.

1936 U.S.A. Drought Midwest

1936 : Following the severe drought in the Midwest with a continuing lack of rain in the corn belt many fear soaring food prices.

1941 Germany Invades Russia

1941 : German divisions make major advances on Leningrad, Moscow, and Kiev due to the surprise attack and the use of the Luftwaffe.

1943 U.S.A. Manhattan Project

1943 : Following problems between Manhattan Project physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer and General Leslie Groves, the military leader in charge of the project. President Roosevelt sent a letter to Oppenheimer congratulating him on the progress of the project and asking for his understanding for the conditions he and his fellow scientists were working under due to the strict security required on a project of this importance and magnitude.

1947 U.S.A. Inflated Car Prices Due To Shortages

1947 : Buying a new car from a main new car dealer can mean months or even years to wait but if you go to your local used car dealer you can find the latest 1947 models brand new but at a price of between $500 and $1000 more than the list price, they go direct to the factories and buy them then transport around the country.

1964 Vietnam New Zealand Support

1964 : New Zealand shows support for Americas involvement in Vietnam by sending 24 engineers.

1966 Vietnam Hanoi Bombing

1966 : The US steps up it's use of bombers and for the first time bombs major North Vietnamese population centers of Hanoi and Haiphong.

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