Monday, June 03, 2024

Important Events From This day in History June 3


1968 USA Andy Warhol

1968 : Andy Warhol the American artist and a major driving force in the movement known as Pop art is shot and wounded in his New York film studio, The Factory, by actress Valerie Solanas who founded the "group" called S.C.U.M. (Society for Cutting up Men).

1928 France Flight To Constantinople

1928 : Captain Arrachart and Major Rignot are forced to stop during their flight in Constantinople. They were on their way to India while trying to set a long distance record. Bad weather was stated as the reason for their early landing.

1932 USA "The Band Wagon"

1932 : The Broadway musical "The Band Wagon" opened in New York City. The comedic musical film about an aging star that tries to revive his career in a Broadway production. The film ranked #17 in the American Film Institutes list of best musicals in 2006.

1937 Former King Marries Wallis Simpson

1937 : The former King of England King Edward VIII of Great Britain and Northern Ireland marries Wallis Warfield Simpson, the American divorcee for whom he abdicated the British throne in December 1936.

1940 France Germany Bombs Paris

1940 : Germans bombed Paris killing mostly civilians, including school children as part of it's reign of terror to keep the French under control.

1943 Russia World War II

1943 : The Russian army takes down 162 of 500 Nazi planes in one of the biggest air battles of World War II. The German attack lasted nearly 10 hours over Kursk.

1959 Ecuador Street Riots

1959 : A riot takes place in one of the country's largest cities, Guayaquil, with a population of 275,000. The government blamed the riot on Communist influences. President Ponce instated martial law throughout the country earlier, while the Communist Party challenged the President's decree.

1961 USA Clarence Gideon

1961 : Clarence Gideon is arrested and charged with breaking into a poolroom in Florida. His case managed to change one the chief principles of American criminal justice. In Gideon v. Wainwright, in the Supreme Court it was ruled that a fair trial "cannot be realized if the poor man charged with [the] crime has to face his accusers without a lawyer to assist him." Due to Clarence Gideon's perseverance, every criminal suspect is entitled to representation by a lawyer.

1962 France Plane Crash

1962 : An Air France Boeing 707 crashes on take-off at Orly Airport in Paris, killing 130 people on board.

1963 Vatican Pope John XXIII

1963 : Pope John XXIII the 261st Pope of the Roman Catholic Church died at age 81 less than 5 years after becoming Pope.

1965 USA Major Edward H. White II

1965 : Following in the wake of Soviet cosmonaut Aleksei A. Leonov, who was the first man ever to walk in space, Major Edward H. White II becomes the first American astronaut to walk in space during the flight of Gemini 4.

1966 USA Gemini 9

1966 : The Gemini 9 spacecraft is set to take off at 7:30 am. The crew of astronauts were scheduled for a 3 day journey in space.

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