Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Important Events From This day in History July 23


1976 First Cases Legionnaires Disease

1976 : 4,000 delegates from the Pennsylvania chapter of the American Legion met at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia for a four-day gathering. Several days after the event ended, many attendees became sick. By August 2, 22 people were dead and hundreds connected to the gathering were experiencing pneumonia-like symptoms. The cause was traced back to an aquatic microorganism bacteria at the hotel and the disease was later called Legionnaires disease.

1931 US Communist Crack Down

1931 : With the growing public discontent at high unemployment and the Government's failure to do anything a growing movement led by communist infiltrators to the US has meant the government is cracking down on communist activities including propaganda that is distributed to Negroes telling them to take control of the government and companies , Federal Agents have seized a large am mount of literature and is deporting the infiltrators back to Havana where most have come from.

1941 France Douglas Bader

1941 : Douglas Bader the British RAF fighter pilot who had lost his legs in a flying accident, was shot down over France and captured by the Germans. During his time as a POW, Douglas Bader made as much trouble as possible and escaped in August 1942, on his recapture by the Germans he was sent to Colditz Castle which provided a more secure prison. Before he was shot down he had claimed 22 German aircraft shot down which was the fifth highest total in the RAF. In 1956 the movie “Reach for the Sky” was based on The Story of Douglas Bader, Hero of the Battle of Britain.”

1945 Vichy Leader Treason Trial

1945 : Marshal Henri Petain, who had headed the Vichy government during World War II and had signed as head of state an armistice with Germany that gave Nazi Germany control over the north and west of the country, this left part of the country not under Nazi control including the resort town of Vichy which is where the administrative center was (hence the name Vichy Government). Marshal Henri Petain is put on trial for treason.

1952 Egypt Military Coup d'etat

1952 : A military coup d'etat in Egypt headed by Colonel Gamal Abdal Nasser's Society of Free Officers seizes control of the government. Following the revolution King Farouk I of Egypt abdicates. The revolutionaries redistributed land, tried politicians for corruption, and in 1953 abolished the monarchy. In 1954, Nasser emerged from behind the scenes, removed Naguib from power, and proclaimed himself prime minister of Egypt.

1957 Great Britain Bus Workers Strike

1957 : Bus drivers throughout Britain have now been on strike for the 5th day causing major disruption to commuters around the country and in some area's due to the frustration of the travelling public leading to violence.

1964 U.S.A. War On Poverty

1964 : President Lyndon B. Johnson began pushing for a War on Poverty requesting $962,000 from Congress for improving literacy, drug rehabilitation and employment programs.

1967 U.S.A. Detroit Riots

1967 : One of the worst riots in U.S. history breaks out in the heart of Detroit's predominantly African American inner city. By the time it was ended four days later on July 27th by 7,000 National Guard and U.S. Army troops, 43 people were dead, 342 injured, and nearly 1,400 buildings had been burned.

1974 Greece Constantine Karamanlis

1974 : Following a military coup seizing power in Greece in April 1967 Constantine Karamanlis had been in self imposed exile in France . On this day the military leadership has invited him back to form a new government hoping his popularity with both the Greek people and Turkish leadership will avert an all out war over Cyprus. Turkish forces invaded Cyprus 2 days earlier.

1975 U.S.A. Inflation at 9%

1975 : The Nations Consumer Price Index has been published today which shows that the yearly inflation is currently running at 9% , but in some areas such as the cost of food running at close to 1.5% per month and gas at whopping 3% with premium Gas prices reaching 60 cents per gallon.

1984 U.S.A. Vanessa Williams

1984 : Vanessa Williams, the first black Miss America, gave up her crown after sexually explicit photos of her appeared in the September issue of Penthouse magazine.

1984 Sellafield Nuclear Power Plant

1984 : A new government report confirms an increased incidence of Leukemia clusters in and around the Sellafield Nuclear Power Plant in Cumbria. The report led by Sir Douglas Black has confirmed the clusters but says to little research has been done to confirm they are related to the Nuclear Power Plant. A number of reports in later years did link the increase of Leukemia in the area to Sellafield but BNFL (British Nuclear Fuels) and the government continue to say that there is no evidence to support a link between Leukemia and nuclear power plants.

1986 UK Prince Andrew Marries

1986 : Prince Andrew married English commoner Sarah Ferguson at Westminster Abbey which has recently celebrated it's 900 year old birthday in London.

1995 BP Agrees To Pay Back Taxes

1995 : In Alaska BP America has agreed to pay an additional $20 million in Back taxes to the state of Alaska , this is on top of an earlier settlement to the state in 1993 of $650 million.

2000 U.S.A. Tiger Woods

2000 : Tiger Woods today became the youngest player to win a career Grand Slam after winning the British Open at St. Andrews.

2003 Claims of Abuse By Clergy in Mass

2003 : The Massachusetts attorney general report claims clergy members and others in the Boston Archdiocese possibly sexually abused more than 1,000 children over sixty years.

2005 Egypt Terrorist Attack Sharm al-Sheikh

2005 : A number of bombs have been exploded in the Egyptian resort of Sharm al-Sheikh by Terrorist attacks. The latest figures indicate nearly 100 are dead including tourists staying at a Hotel that was targeted, and many more injured.

2006 Germany Doctors Strike

2006 : Doctors in Germany continued rolling strikes with demands for better working conditions and higher wages. This strike affected up to 700 hospitals in Germany for over a month. Nearly 70,000 doctors alternated protests while still providing basic emergency care for patients in the country.

2007 Spain Bank Robber Caught

2007 : The most wanted criminal in Spain was caught on this day. The man was accused of armed robbery of more than thirty banks in Spain and killing at least three police officers. He was arrested in Figueira da Foz, Portugal while planning another bank robbery.

2007 U.S.A. United States Veterans

2007 : A coalition of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans sues the United States government on claims that they have been denied mental health care and disability payments. The group claimed that the Department of Veteran Affairs would purposely mislabel soldiers experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder so the government would not have to pay for treatment.

2008 Japan Earthquake

2008 : An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 hit Japan on this day. The earthquake hit the main island of Honshu and caused landslides, power outages, fires, and injuries.

2009 Iceland Applies For EU Membership

2009 : The country of Iceland submitted its formal bid to join the European Union on this day. Iceland’s economic collapse in 2008 spurred Iceland’s leaders to finally move forward on joining the European Union, hoping that the organization would provide more economic security.

2011 Singer Amy Winehouse Found Dead

2011 : Eclectic singer Amy Winehouse was found dead in her London apartment. The cause of death was unknown but Winehouse had suffered from alcohol and drug addiction for years prior to her death. Fans paid tribute to her and gathered around her home, while friends and family grieved the loss of a talented singer with a unique voice.

2012 First US Woman in Space Dies

2012 : Sally Ride, the first woman from the United States who went into space, died at the age of sixty-one after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Ride made her first flight into space in 1983 in the Space Shuttle Challenger.

2013 Burma Political Prisoners Released

2013 : Seventy-three political prisoners were freed by the Burmese government in an attempt by President Thein Sein to release all political dissidents by the end of the year. Burma has been working towards democracy since 2010 and began releasing prisoners three years ago.


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