Saturday, August 03, 2024

Important Events From This day in History August 3


3 Aug, 1981 Air Traffic Controllers Strike

1981 : 13,000 Air traffic controllers walked off the job today in hopes that the U.S. federal government would agree to their demands for better pay. President Ronald Reagan had warned them they would be fired if they went on strike and a short time later he did have them fired.

3 Aug, 1914 World War I Declaration of War

1914 : Germany and France Declare war on the other signaling the beginning of the first World War.

3 Aug, 1923 Calvin Coolidge Sworn In As President

1923 : Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as president of the United States after learning that President Warren Harding had collapsed and died while visiting California the day before. He was sworn in by his father, Colonel John C. Coolidge at his father's farmhouse in Plymouth, Vermont. Find More What happened in 1923.

3 Aug, 1940 England World War II

1940 : British troops hammered the Germans with air raids which the former claimed as “a smashing success”. Supplies, harbors, and airplane hangers were targeted in over 100 German cities. The British hoped to smash the Nazi blitzkrieg at its source. However, in retaliation, German war planes retaliated by bombing north western England.

3 Aug, 1957 Cuba Fidel Castro

1957 : Rebel resistance and strikes were plaguing President Fulgenico Batista’s government in Cuba. Fidel Castro’s forces poured down from their secret mountain hide- out to fight with Batista’s troops. A news blackout was in effect. The revolutionary stronghold in Santiago De Cuba had armed men demand gas from a gas station and then set fire to it.

3 Aug, 1958 North Pole Nautilus

1958 : The US Nuclear Submarine Nautilus is the first undersea vessel to reach the Geographic North Pole.

3 Aug, 1961 Arms Build Up During Cold War

1961 : President John F. Kennedy got approval from Congress to spend $958 million to purchase missiles, planes, and war ships to bolster the American military. This arms build up was felt to be needed because of the communist threat to West Berlin and other areas. Kennedy got powers from Congress to call 250,000 reservists into active duty and to extend their tour of duty for one year.

3 Aug, 1970 U.S.A. Hurricane Celia

August 3, 1970 : The category 3 hurricane "Hurricane Celia" makes landfall near Corpus Christi, Texas killing 15 in Texas and hundreds of millions of dollars of damage.

3 Aug, 1977 CIA and Mind Control

1977 : As of today the CIA has spent a total of $25 million over 25 years started in 1950 to study mind control and brainwashing. Research was done by Dr. D. Ewen Cameron on sensory deprivation, isolation, and his own methods of “psychic driving”. He did these experiments at McGill University in Montreal. The psychiatric patients that Cameron used as subjects were damaged for life. The CIA also funded drug experiments on patients and staff at Memorial Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island. Brainwashing experiments were also done at Cornell University Medical Center and Dr. Carl Pfeiffer did LSD studies on federal inmates in Atlanta, and the Bordentown Reformatory in New Jersey from 1955-64.

3 Aug, 1978 Israel Bombs Southern Lebanon

1978 : Israel retaliates after Palestinian terrorists bomb a Tel Aviv market by sending in bombers to a guerrilla base southern Lebanon.

3 Aug, 1978 Canada Commonwealth Games

1978 : The Queen opens the 11th Commonwealth Games in Edmonton, Canada.

3 Aug, 1982 U.S.A. Sodomy Arrest

1982 : Michael Hardwick is arrested for sodomy after a police officer observes him having sex with another man in his own bedroom in Georgia. In 1986 the Supreme Court handed down its decision in Bowers v. Hardwick, ruling by a 5-4 vote that states could continue to treat certain types of consensual sex as criminal acts.

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