Friday, September 13, 2024

Important Events From This day in History September 13


13 Sept, 1989 Hurricane Hugo

1989 : Hurricane Hugo approaches the Leeward Islands and over the next 12 days, Hugo would kill 75 people from the island of Guadeloupe to South Carolina.

13 Sept, 1922 Turkey Constantinople

1922 : Following the Turkish Victory in Constantinople, crowds have taken to the streets and are attacking Greek churches and homes and destroying them . The Turkish troops have been dispatched to keep order. The spread of Typhus and the Plague are now reaching epidemic proportions but authorities are insisting they do no not wish aid in the form of medical assistance from neighboring countries.

Siege of Constantinople Public Domain Photo

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13 Sept, 1926 Bandits Robbing Mail Trains

1926 : The Post Office Department sent a memo to it's army of 25,000 railway mail clerks an order to shoot to kill any bandits attempting to rob the mail, this follows an ever increasing number of robberies by bandits on the mail service which carries millions of dollars worth of mail every day. They also issued a statement saying that if the robberies continue the marines will be bought in again to protect the mail.

13 Sept, 1931 British Honduras Hurricane

1931 : A major hurricane has devastated Belize in British Honduras with at least 700 dead, and they are requesting assistance in the form of medical supplies. The first ships from Great Britain and America are starting to arrive and reports are coming in that very little is left standing in the city with bodies laying in the streets.

13 Sept, 1940 Egypt Mussolini

1940 : Mussolini's forces cross the Libyan border into Egypt where British troops were waiting garrisoned to protect the Suez Canal and Royal Navy bases at Alexandria and Port Said.

Mussolini Public Domain Photo

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13 Sept, 1949 Roman Catholic Priests Arrested

1949 : The communist government in Czechoslovakia has now arrested 15 Roman Catholic priests on charges of running a secret communications ring, the government believes the priests are planning political unrest but the priests maintain it is just a means of keeping in contact with fellow members.

13 Sept, 1951 South Korea Communist Attack

1951 : Communist troops are massing in large numbers with as many as 250,000 troops plus a large number of tanks massed on the western battle front possibly for a full scale attack on Seoul later this week possibly to coincide with the next full moon.

13 Sept, 1956 USA First Hard Disc

1956 : IBM introduces the worlds first production hard disk the "IBM 305" which stored five megabytes of data. To put this in perspective a modern USB drive stores 2 gig or more (400 times more than the first hard drive just 50 years ago) and fits on a keychain , the first IBM weighed over a ton and needed a fork lift to move it.

13 Sept, 1961 Nuclear Bomb Testing

1961 : Following more nuclear tests by the Russians the United States will resume underground testing of Nuclear weapons within the next ten days. The Soviet bomb tests showed they are currently testing in the range of superbomb status and America believes it needs to have at least equal or greater capability. A superbomb would be about 200 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Nagasaki which was equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT. This would make a superbomb in excess of 2,000,000 tons of TNT.

Nuclear weapons underground test site Nevada  Public Domain Photo

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13 Sept, 1970 First New York Marathon

September 13th, 1970 : The First New York Marathon is run attracting 127 competitors runners who paid $1.00 to compete and competed several loops around the Park Drive of Central Park.

New York Marathon Runners Public Domain Photo

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13 Sept, 1971 Attica Prison Riots

1971 : Riots in Attica Prison have finally ended after four days with the loss of life of 33 inmates and 11 prison employees, the cause of the riots by inmates is thought to have been due to 3 correction officers and a trooper committing unprovoked attacks on prisoners which were not reprimanded or punished.

13 Sept, 1978 School Immunization Crackdown

September 13th, 1978 : In a crackdown on immunization policy many thousands of children have been sent home from school for failure to have proof of proper immunization, state laws require immunization for Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Rubella prior to starting school, and the numbers who have not been immunized prior to starting school has been increasing each year.

13 Sept, 1978 Scotland Hercules Captured

1978 : In a bizarre case of back to the wild, a tame 1/2 ton grizzly bear being used in a TV commercial for Kleenex (Hercules) has been recaptured after staying free for more than 3 weeks on the Island of Benbecula in the Outer Hebrides. The Grizzly was spotted taking a swim and was quickly darted and captured.

Grizzly Bear  Public Domain Photo

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13 Sept, 1991 U.S.A. Flagging Economy

1991 : The Fed has cut the discount bank lending rate by 0.5% from 5.5% to 5.0% making the lowest level in 18 years in an effort to bolster the flagging economy. This follows the 0.7% fall in retail sales which is an indicator that the economy is flagging. This will be the forth decline in interest rates this year.

13 Sept, 1993 Peace Plan Agreed Israel / Palestine

1993 : Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, and the PLO leader, Yasser Arafat sign a framework for peace on the South Lawn of the White House.

Bill Clinton, Yitzhak Rabin, and Yasser Arafat Public Domain Photo

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