Saturday, September 21, 2024

Important Events From This day in History September 21


21 Sept, 1948 Earthquake Iran 16,000 dead

1948 : The death toll in the area hit by an earthquake which hit Tabas and the surrounding villages on Saturday has now reached 16,000 and Iranian aircraft are spraying areas effected with disinfectant in a hope to keep diseases from spreading. The smell of death still pervades through the smell of disinfectant as there are still large numbers of dead who have not been buried. Iran has asked the world for help and medical supplies and staff as many wounded men and women are still untreated due to the small hospital in the area.

21 Sept, 1998 Clinton Grand Jury Testimony Shown On TV

1998 : Bill Clinton's testimony about his possible affair with Monica Lewinsky as shown on public television for the first time. The president was forced to defend previous statements about the exact nature of his affair and whether he had previously lied under oath.

21 Sept, 1921 Germany Chemical Plant Explosion

1921 : An explosion at a chemical products plant in Oppau, Germany, killed an estimated 800 people.

21 Sept, 1922 Canada Harvest Returns To Pre-War Levels

1922 : Following a number of poor harvests in Canada and the interruption of the war, Canada will have it's best harvest for over a decade and it is hoped that in the next couple years harvests will return to pre-war levels.

21 Sept, 1931 US Banking System Problems

1931 : As well as being the low point in the 1930s depression years also was a testing time for the US banking system as Americans lost faith in the banking system meaning they decided to draw money out of their local banks which in turn caused over 800 banks to close by the end of the year.

21 Sept, 1931 Great Britain Abandons Gold Standard

1931 : Great Britain decides to abandon the Gold Standard causing a minor panic in the American banking System.

Gold Bar Image

21 Sept, 1937 Great Britain The Hobbit Published

1937 : J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit," is first published which follows the quest of home-loving Bilbo Baggins.

The Hobbit Image

21 Sept, 1938 U.S.A. Hurricane

1938 : A hurricane with winds reaching 185 miles per hour often known as the 1938 New England hurricane landed on seven new England States causing the deaths of nearly 700 and property damage estimated in the hundreds of millions. The Hurricane and resulting flooding left over 60,000 homeless. 1938 Great New England Hurricane Timeline

New England Hurricane 1938 Public Domain Photo

Full Size Original Here:

21 Sept, 1938 Europe Accepts Germany Invasion of Poland

1938 : In Europe politicians from France and England are accepting the price of peace is to allow Germany to take control of Czechoslovakia, of course the Czechs do not agree and many other countries and people around the world are questioning the wisdom of Great Britain and France backing down to Hitler believing he will make political capitol and make him think he can continue with his policies without British or French interference , only time will tell if they made the right decision.

21 Sept, 1939 U.S.A. Neutrality Acts

1939 : Following the outbreak of war in Europe FDR goes before Congress and asks that the Neutrality Acts, a series of laws passed earlier in the decade, be amended to lift an embargo against sending military aid to countries in Europe facing the onslaught of Nazi aggression during World War II.

21 Sept, 1947 French Grand Prix

1947 : The French Grand Prix returns after the war years and Louis Chrion wins with his Talbot Lago in Lyon.

21 Sept, 1949 China Mao Tse Tung

1949 : The Communist People’s Republic of China is proclaimed under Mao Tse Tung.

Chairman Mao Public Domain Photo

21 Sept, 1958 Iceland Cod War

1958 : Britain and Iceland have called a temporary halt to the COD WAR because a British Marine was taken sick with acute appendicitis, and the British skipper of the Frigate Diana asked the Icelandic coast guard ship Aeger for permission to sail into the Icelandic port where a hospital was located inside the Icelandic 12 mile zone. The Icelandic Government gave permission and the Marine is now in hospital in Iceland receiving treatment.

Cod Wars Public Domain Photo

Full Size Original Here:

21 Sept, 1969 UK Squatters Evicted

September 21st, 1969 : 200 squatters members of the so called "London Street Commune" who have occupied 144 Piccadilly for the last 6 days are evicted when police storm the 100-room building.

21 Sept, 1972 Philippines Martial Law Declared

1972 : Following a series of bombing and terrorist strikes against the government President Ferdinand E. Marcos declared martial law in the Philippines.

21 Sept, 1978 U.S.A. Housing Market

1978 : Speculation that the booming housing market could collapse if the government squeezes the credit money supply further is being made by House builders and other interested parties in the housing market.

For Sale Sign

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