Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Important Events From This day in History September 25


25 Sept, 1957 U.S.A. Little Rock Nine

1957 : Following the forced evacuation of the Little Rock Nine from Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas on September 23rd, Federal troops charged defiant teenagers and other protesters with fixed bayonets to ensure the way was clear for the expected arrival of African American Students to attend high school today in Little Rock Arkansas. They were moved into the violence ridden area on the direct orders of the President of The United States.

25 Sept, 1923 Scotland Mining Disaster

1923 : In one of the worst colliery disasters in Scottish history the pit wall between an old abandoned pit and the pit the miners were in gave way allowing the water from the old pit to flood into the pit where the miners were working, the collapse was so quick that the pit flooded almost instantly drowning 70 miners.

25 Sept, 1924 Switzerland Landslide

1924 : A major landslide in Someo crushed 20 homes and partially buried them leaving most of the villagers buried or swept away and up to 20 dead.

25 Sept, 1936 England The Caledonian Flying Boat

1936 : A new faster service between England and America is soon to be started using the latest and fastest passenger flying boat built "The Caledonian" from Imperial Airways. This four engine flying boat will begin regular services between the United States and great Britain shortly.

Flying Boat Public Domain Photo

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25 Sept, 1946 Radioactive Contamination

1946 : 75 ships have been quarantined until tests for radioactive contamination are completed, they are suspected to have have high radio activity due to the nuclear atom bomb testing at Bikini Atoll.

Bikini Atoll Atomic Bomb Test Public Domain Photo

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25 Sept, 1949 Pope Asks To End Nuclear Weapons

1949 : The pope has asked the worlds leaders to end this path to self destruction through the development of bigger and more destructive Nuclear weapons and use the money to help some of the worlds needy and starving.

25 Sept, 1956 Underwater Telephone Service

1956 : The first underwater telephone service from the United States to Europe begins today using two 2,250 mile cables under the Atlantic Ocean to provide the clearest all wire voice link between the two continents.

25 Sept, 1978 U.S.A. Mid Air Crash

1978 : A Pacific Southwest Airlines jet collides in mid-air with a small Cessna over San Diego, killing 153 people.

25 Sept, 1962 Ireland Air Sea Rescue

1962 : An international rescue operation in a gale whipped Atlantic continued today in an attempt to find survivors from a chartered Super Constellation aircraft which was downed 500 miles off the coast of Ireland when 3 of it's 4 engines failed , so far 55 of the crew and passengers have been rescued out of the total of 78 on board.

Constellation Aircraft Public Domain Photo

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25 Sept, 1981 United Kingdom Sunday Times Shut Down

September 25th, 1981 : Rupert Murdoch has shut down the Sunday Times due to an industrial dispute with 101 members of the Printers Union and suspended 1,400 staff on indefinite suspension without pay.

25 Sept, 1981 Maze Prison Break Out

1981 : Thirty-eight prisoners have escaped from the Maze high security prison in Northern Ireland. One prison officer is killed and another seriously injured during the break out of Republican members of the IRA held at the Maze jail near Lisburn.

25 Sept, 1995 Bosnia Withdraws From Peace Talks

1995 : Attempts to end the fighting in Bosnia and Herzegovina have made little progress as the Serbs have not responded and Bosnians have withdrawn from the talks in New York stating insufficient guarantees have been provided for the safety of its people and the Sarajevo siege must be lifted before they will continue talks.

25 Sept, 1996 Afghanistan Taliban

1996 : Taliban opposition fighters have reached the eastern suburbs of the countries capital Kabul and are poised to take control. The country is run by President Burhanuddin Rabbani who is kept in power by a coalition of Mujahideen factions. Two days later the Taliban did seize control of Kabul and established the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

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