Friday, September 06, 2024

Important Events From This day in History September 6


6 Sept, 1915 England First Tank

1915 : The first tank sponsored by the First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill was produced named Little Willie in a factory in England, before the end of World War I the British were using them to fight the Germans.

6 Sept, 1901 U.S.A. President McKinley

1901 : President McKinley is shot and fatally wounded in Buffalo, New York by an anarchist named Leon Czolgosz.

President McKinley Public Domain Photo

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6 Sept, 1921 U.S.A. Ku Klux Klan

1921 : Members of the Police in Connecticut are investigating the Klu Klux Klan who are recruiting members by proposing "Preserve The Ideals of A Pure Anglo Saxon Civilization." To join the Klan new members must donate $10.00. It is believed the Klan is growing quickly and the police department is concerned over racial attacks when it reaches full strength.

Ku Klux Klan Public Domain Photo

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6 Sept, 1934 Austria Army Ready To Fight Nazis

1934 : The Austrian Army is being deployed on the border with Yugoslavia as it is rumored that the Nazis will make another push into Austria in the coming days.

6 Sept, 1941 Jews Ordered to Wear Star of David

1941 : The head of the Berlin Secret Police ordered all Jews over 6 years old to wear a yellow star of David on their coats together with the word Jew, and they are not to leave the area they have been assigned without obtaining police permission.

Yellow Star Of David Public Domain Photo

6 Sept, 1943 U.S.A. Train Derails

1943 : A new high-speed train traveling between New York City and Washington, D.C., derails, killing 79 people.

6 Sept, 1948 Netherlands Queen Juliana

1948 : Queen Juliana was inaugurated today in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

6 Sept, 1949 Germany Volkswagen Factory

1949 : The Allied military authorities relinquished control of the Volkswagen factory which had become the largest car producer in Europe.

Volkswagen Beetle Public Domain Photo

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6 Sept, 1952 Farnborough Air Show Disaster

1952 : A De Havilland 110 fighter aircraft has disintegrated after breaking the sound barrier showering debris over spectators at the Farnborough Air Show in Hampshire, England, the large pieces of debris has caused the death of 30 and injured 63 more.

De Havilland DH.110 Sea Vixen Public Domain Photo

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6 Sept, 1955 Human Space Travel Is Fantasy

September 6th, 1955 : An American Major General from the Rocket Sciences Division of the forces has told a news conference that any ideas of human space travel is pure fantasy as the expense to put a man into space can not be justified unless gains can be identified , he also stated that it could be achieved in 15 years if enough money was put into the project. (In 1969 not only was space travel achieved but Man Landed on the Moon).

6 Sept, 1965 India Invades West Pakistan

1965 : Indian troops have invaded West Pakistan, in an attack which appears to be aimed mainly at the city of Lahore. The attack is in retaliation for a covert operation by Pakistani soldiers last week into Indian territory.

6 Sept, 1966 Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd

September 6th, 1966 : South African Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd who many believe was the Architect of apartheid is stabbed to death during a parliamentary meeting in Cape Town.

6 Sept, 1967 Sweden Switch To Right Goes Safely

1967 : The changes to driving on the right hand side which came into law this weekend caused less problems and accidents than in a normal weekend due to the additional careful driving of Swedish Drivers becoming acquainted to the change.

6 Sept, 1970 Europe Multiple Plane Hijacks

September 6th, 1970 : The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) have hijacked four aircraft from airports in Europe: TWA Boeing 707 from Frankfurt to New York, Swissair DC8 from Zurich to New York, El Al Boeing 707 from Amsterdam to New York, and Pan American Boeing 747 from Amsterdam to New York. The aircraft have been flown to airports in Jordan and Egypt where the hijackers are demanding release of three Arab dissidents held in a Swiss jail in return for the 382 passengers they are holding hostage.

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