Monday, September 09, 2024

Important Events From This day in History September 9


9 Sept, 1956 Elvis Presley

1956 : Elvis Presley appears on Ed Sullivan's show Toast of the Town and scandalized audiences with his suggestive hip gyrations.

9 Sept, 1920 U.S.A. Bank Robbers

1920 : Posses are scouring the hills in Centralia, Oklahoma after 4 masked bandits held up a bank and escaped with $4,000 in cash and liberty bonds.

9 Sept, 1930 UK Drunkenness

1930 : Drunkenness in England is at it's lowest level since 1918 with more drinking places. Also the number of convictions for drunkenness caused through mentholated spirits has also decreased. The cause for the drops are the increased excise duty charged on alcohol and the poor financial depression with less work available.

9 Sept, 1945 Japan Surrenders To China

1945 : The second Sino-Japanese war, between China and Japan formally ended when 1,000,000 Japanese troops surrendered to China.

Sino-Japanese war 1945 Public Domain Photo

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9 Sept, 1945 U.S.A. Computer Bug

1945 : First bug discovered in Computer Software Program when operators at the Harvard Faculty at the Computation Laboratory traced an error in the Mark II Computer to a moth trapped in a relay, coining the term bug. This bug was carefully removed and taped to the log book September 9th 1945.

First Computer Bug Public Domain Photo

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9 Sept, 1948 Philippines Volcano Eruption

1948 : An evacuation is underway on the small Island of Camuguin with a population of 52,000 due to the eruption of the Volcano which is now raining down Acidic Ash on all parts of the Island causing breathing problems and burning skin.

9 Sept, 1950 Truman Fireside Chat

September 9th, 1950 : Following President Truman signing the defense production Act yesterday today on fireside talks on the nations radio and TV stations he will explain why he has cut consumer spending by limiting installment buying, real estate credit and put sweeping controls in place to curb wages and prices. There will also be some rationing put in place for essentials. The reasons for all these are because of the Korean War and Communist aggression.

President Harry S Truman Public Domain Photo

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9 Sept, 1954 Algeria Earthquake

1954 : A powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake strikes Orleansville, Algeria killing 1,600 people.

9 Sept, 1960 U.S.A. Hurricane Donna

September 9th, 1960 : Hurricane Donna is approaching Miami and Fort Lauderdale in Florida. The hurricane is over 200 miles wide and is believed to be one of the strongest and most destructive hurricanes in recent years.

Hurricane Donna Storm Path Public Domain Photo

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9 Sept, 1965 Hurricane Betsy

1965 : Hurricane Betsy after striking the Bahamas and Florida makes landfall at Grand Isle, Louisiana, just west of the mouth of the Mississippi River, The storm travels upriver, causing the Mississippi at New Orleans to rise by 10 feet causing significant flooding of the waters of Lake Pontchartrain which then flooded into New Orleans and leaving 76 people dead. Hurricane Betsy was the first $1 billion dollar storm with out adjusting for inflation (would be about $15 billion at today's money 2008).

Hurricane Betsy New Orleans Flooding Public Domain Photo

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9 Sept, 1970 Jordan British Airliner Hijacked

September 9th, 1970 : Palestinian Guerrillas Hijacked a BOAC British Airliner from India bound for London and forced it to land in the Jordanian Dessert. This is the 4th hijacking plot this week by the group calling themselves the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and they are demanding the release of 3 Arab prisoners held in West Germany. The BOAC Plane joins a Swissair DC8 and a Transworld Airlines Boeing 707 at the airstrip.

Plane Hijacking Public Domain Photo

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9 Sept, 1971 Attica Prison Riot

1971 : Prisoners riot at Attica Prison in New York and seize control taking 39 prison guards and staff hostage, they were protesting over overcrowding. The siege lasted until September 13th when authorities took back the prison, but with terrible consequences including 10 hostage deaths and 29 inmate deaths, plus nearly 100 others with serious injuries.

9 Sept, 1976 China Mao Zedong Dies

September 9th, 1976 : Chairman Mao Zedong, The Chinese revolutionary and statesman, has died in Beijing at the age of 82.

Chairman Mao Zedong Public Domain Photo

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9 Sept, 1980 Canada Provinces Greater Control

1980 : The Canadian Prime Minister is offering Canada's Provinces greater control over their natural resources in an effort to gain agreement to gain control over the Canadian Constitution from the British Parliament to Canadian Control. They would need to vote to repeal the British North American Act of 1867.

9 Sept, 1987 Alan Greenspan

September 9th, 1987 : The new Chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan, raised the discount rates to tackle inflation which caused the markets to go into a frenzy.

Chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan Public Domain Photo

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9 Sept, 1987 Belgium Heysel Stadium Disaster Trial

1987 : 25 Liverpool fans have been extradited to Belgium possibly facing charges of manslaughter for charging Juventus fans during a riot at the stadium which led to a wall collapsing causing the death of 39 Juventus fans.

9 Sept, 1990 Finland Bush/Gorbachev Meeting

September 9th, 1990 : In a meeting between President Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev over the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, the Russian President has agreed with President Bush on a common ground to ensure stability in the Middle east. Egypt's President Mubarak has also pledged more troops to Saudi Arabia who are part of the coalition who will take back Kuwait from the Iraq dictator.

Bush Gorbachev Malta summit Public Domain Photo

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9 Sept, 1993 Possible Peace Israel/Palestine

1993 : Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO chairman Yasser Arafat may well sign an agreement in Washington this week that might pave the way for peace between Jews and Arabs after 45 years of war. The agreement means the PLO will recognize Israel's right to exist, and Israel agreed to recognize the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people.

9 Sept, 1998 Viagra Available On NHS

September 9th, 1998 : Following the success in America for the the anti-impotence drug Viagra the NHS after lengthy negotiations and after the NHS was thinking of placing a temporary ban on Viagra due it's high cost of £10 a tablet, has agreed to purchase and subscribe Viagra from Pfizer, for £4.84 a tablet less than 1/2 the current cost of the drug in the United States. (In 2008 the cost of Viagra in the US was about $17.00 or £8.54 per tablet).

9 Sept, 2003 Boston Roman Catholic Archdiocese

2003 : The Boston Roman Catholic Archdiocese has agreed to an out of court settlement of $85 million to settle the clergy sex abuse cases involving. The case centered on abuse by clergy of young children which the Archdiocese knew about and covered up the abuses often sending the clergy to different parishes. Following the case the Church instituted reforms to prevent future abuse by requiring background checks and require dioceses faced with an allegation to alert the authorities and remove the accused from duty until a formal investigation is completed.

9 Sept, 2003 US iTunes

September 9th, 2003 : Apple iTunes sells it's 10 millionth song after just 4 months (songs cost 99 cents). This is a major milestone for not only Apple but the music industry as just a short time ago before Apple most music was downloaded through peer to peer networks illegally breaking copy write law. Although the peer to peer file sharing is still continuing Apple has proved that with the right technology and the right pricing strategy the Internet can help the music industry can adapt to the changing market.

9 Sept, 2005 Guantanamo Bay Prison Camp

2005 : A hunger strike by 87 prisoners at the US Guantanamo Bay prison camp is now in it's second month and 10 of the prisoners are being fed through medical assist with nose tubes and are in stable condition. The prisoners are on hunger strike because: (1) Indefinite detention and (2) Inhumane treatment.

Camp Delta Guantanamo Bay prison camp Public Domain Photo

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9 Sept, 2007 Roger Federer Wins 4th US Open

September 9th, 2007 : Swiss tennis star Roger Federer won his fourth consecutive title in the US Open on this day as he beat Novak Djokovic, 6-4.

9 Sept, 2008 Pakistan New President Sworn In

2008 : Asif Ali Zardari was sworn in as Pakistan’s president on this day. Zardari was voted in by the parliament after Pervez Musharraf resigned. Zardari is the widower of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, who was assassinated in 2007.

9 Sept, 2011 Arab Spring Uprisings

September 9th, 2011 : Continued protests in Yemeni, Syria and Egypt part of the "Arab Spring Uprisings" bring millions on to the streets many in direct conflict with Government orders. These Protests started in Tunisia in December last year and have spread throughout the region, Three countries leaders have been overthrown or forced to resign since the protests began including Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben, Egyption President Hosni Mubarak and Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi.

9 Sept, 2012 Muslims and Jews Protest Court Ruling

2012 : Muslim and Jewish organizations gathered in protest after a German court ruled that the circumcision of young boys constituted bodily harm. After the ruling was issued the German government stated that it would explicitly legalize the practice as an expression of religious freedom.

9 Sept, 2013 US 107 Year Old in Stand Off

September 9th, 2013 : 107 year old Monroe Isadore was killed in a stand-off with police in the US state of Arkansas after threatening two people, including his daughter, in his Pine Bluff home.

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