Sunday, July 23, 2006

Old Pasadena Jazz Festival

Yesterday Rita and I attended the Old Pasadena Jazz Festival, which was moved to the Arcadia Arboretum. We parked our car at the Santa Anita Race Track and were bused in yellow school buses to the event. The music started at noon, and continued till ten at night, with many excellent groups.

While sitting under the shade of some nearby trees I ran into a former pressman, Jim Wooten, and his wife. Jim had many questions about the newspaper and told me how nice retirement has been for him and his wife.

As the temperature rose the clouds continued to grow and the humidity increased as well. It was very unbearable to say the least, many were overcome by the heat, with firemen and firewomen carting many away to local hospitals. The weather forecast was 107 degrees, but with the increased humidity, it felt like 120 degrees. Made it very hard to enjoy the music.

Swimming in the fountain was prohibited, but as you can see, security said very little when people like Rita and I jumped into the water.

This is the Candy Dulfer Band performing in the killer heat, fans were all over the stage in an attempt to keep the musicians cool.

Here I am having my picture taken with Candy Dulfer

Our seats were empty because of the heat, only a handful of brave souls actually used the prime seats. Many concert goers left early, it was just too hot to stay all day, but we stayed till the bitter end, and it was 90 degrees when we left at ten at night.

We gave our tickets away for today's concert, just couldn't stand the intense heat another day.



  1. Anonymous10:30 PM

    It was great to see the Wootens again. We attended the same church a few years ago. They knew me and my sister. AND we have several mutual friends.

    Proof positive...It's a small world:-)

  2. Anonymous10:41 PM

    BTW, what a GREAT shot (that I took) of you and Candy. You never cease to amaze me with your luck!
    Was it luck or just being able to boguard your way to where you wanted to be? :-)
    Whatever it was, it worked, huh?

    Great day (heat and all)!


  3. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Great pictures! No matter how bad the heat was, I'm sure it made for some great memories. Forever more the two of you will sit and talk about how hot it was that day. . .always remember with every cloud there's a silver lining. We went to the Dodger game the same night and it was just as hot and humid. Shoot, if I wanted to live in hot, muggy weather, I'd live in the midwest instead of CA!!!

  4. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Oh my!!!!

    I believe everyone has a purpose in this life...but, for the life of me what is rb and ep's purpose????

    OOOOhhh, I know, birth control!!!!


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