Saturday, March 10, 2007

Will The Winter Death Toll End With You?

Will The Winter Death Toll End With You?

In just the first three weeks of February 2007, more than 200 people across our nation were killed in home fires. Many of these fires were preventable. Fires that kill are a sad reality each and every day for our nation's Firefighters - but it doesn’t have to be that way.

There is no single safety item more important in your household than a working smoke alarm. Having a functional smoke alarm in your home reduces your chances of dying in a fire by nearly half.


  1. Ed,

    We appreciate you sharing articles from the LAFD News & Information blog with your sizeable readership.

    Thanks for helping Los Angeles Firefighters in countless ways over the years in keeping Los Angeles safe.

    Respectfully Yours in Safety and Service,

    Brian Humphrey
    Public Service Officer
    Los Angeles Fire Department

  2. Good Morning Brian,

    What a pleasure to have you visit our simple blog.

    You’re doing a wonderful job with the LAFD Blog, very helpful and useful information for all of us. We will never know how many lives have been saved with the fire facts you share online, but I’m certain people have paid notice.

    Your name now comes to mind when I look at my smoke detectors, or see the San Dimas Fire Department racing to an emergency.

    Thanks again for all the great life saving information.



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