Thursday, April 19, 2007

Off The Mark

When I heard of the shooter at VT, I didn't think... oh... what ethnicity was he or she? I just thought what a gruesome horrible thing to happen. I grieved for the students, the families.

When he turned out to be Korean, I didn't think that it was a slap at the entire Korean culture. Yet obviously, many in their community do.

In one editorial and two articles in the Times, they've talked of a collective losing face, of feeling responsible. I think it's slightly off the mark. In not one article or op-ed piece do they speak of mental illness. No reporter has inquired how mental illness is perceived within their community (it could be argued that this would be a valid question, given that they feel compelled to show a collective remorse). Not one. Yet, the proof is all there. Cho was mentally ill. It wasn't because he was Korean that he shot everyone, it was that his neurotransmitters didn't function. If they really want to make a difference in their community, they'll support efforts to erase the stigma of mental illness and to seek diagnosis and treatment. Not just within the Korean culture, but everywhere.


  1. notes: On the NAMI website today, their Medical Director, Ken Duckworth, M.D. offers a disappointing statement that "the shooter in the tragedy, may not actually have had a serious mental illness relative to other diagnoses." WHAT? This guy had been stalking people, his behavior was disruptive, he'd been in a psychiatric hospital. I think he's wrong. All evidence reports that there was something seriously wrong with him. True, you can't force someone into treatment, but he slipped through so many cracks and in the end, took his fatal steps that led to this tragedy.

  2. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Strangely enough, I subscribe to an online group of women of color called the "Phenomenol Women".
    One member found it profoundly shocking that this disturbed individual was of Asian descent.

    Mental illnesses have no boundaries of race, color,creed or national origin.

    This is clearly the case of the VT carnage...wake up ALL people..


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