Friday, June 01, 2007

The Day After at the Los Angeles Times

The Beatles Hello Goodbye

This is a sad day at newspapers across our country, especially at the newspaper in my neighborhood the Los Angeles Times, as many in the industry leave their comrades behind. I'm dedicating this old Beatles song to the men and women that have left us, and wish them luck in whatever direction they may take after working at the newspaper for so many years.

The ladies (Mayrav and Kate) at Fishbowl LA have many letters from the departing writers posted, with more to come, I'm sure.

Emmett Jaime III writes: "Congradulations to John Garay and Mark Crawford on being accepted to take the buyout. They were 2 of the best supervisors to work with along with the rest of us guys that left in 2001. We had some good times and some bad but being together we got over all the bad. I wish them well in the future and hope they don't have any regrets. I have talked to most of the supervisors that left and to a man there were no regrets. We got out when we were asked too.

As for the people left behind I wish you all good luck and hope that the LATimes continues to publish with the fine men and women that run the presses in both pressrooms.

Mark and John, good luck, god bless and a job well done !"

Kevin Roderick writes: Departure Day on Spring Street

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