Friday, June 01, 2007

Take Back the Times: FitzSimons, Hiller: From One Stupidity To Another

FitzSimons, Hiller: From One Stupidity To Another

By Ken Reich

"The Tribune Co. continues to drive the L.A. Times into the ground as its witless executives, Dennis FitzSimons, David Hiller, James O'Shea, a true "axis of stupidity," flail around, claiming to be reforming the paper, while, in fact, everything they do is a mistake. They are the principal reason why the paper is in a downward spiral.

The fundamental mistake is for the Tribune Co. to remain in business in Los Angeles. They are unwanted here, and the paper's revenue and cash flow will continue to descend as long as they are in charge. The fact that they are still in charge is a powerful indication that the new owner, Sam Zell, does not understand their failures and is fixing to compound them. Why, otherwise, would he send FitzSimons out here? He has to believe FitzSimons knows what he is doing, when, in fact, FitzSimons commits one mistake after another and is totally unsuitable for the Times and other Tribune newspapers. He should have been gone long ago."

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