Thursday, August 16, 2007

Believe it or Not File

We had a very unusual event happen last week, seems a good friend of my son’s, went to his apartment and helped herself to my son’s belongings. While the children and I were at our lowest point, how could someone stoop to this level, I keep asking myself?

Some people have absolutely no regard for others feelings, especially after losing a loved one.

On a happy note, many of Bryan’s personal items were returned tonight. The children and I are elated to have Bryan’s clothing, watches, colognes, jewelry, and personal papers returned to our possession.

We all want to hold onto something that Bryan owned for personal memories.


  1. I should be shocked and yet (sadly) I am not.

    What appalling behavior.

    I always say that it's in times of crisis that one's true colors come to light.

  2. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I couldn't agree with jozjozjoz more.

    Happy to hear you recovered Bryan's belongings and they are now where they belong....

    One wonders how these kind of people can look at themselves in the mirror and not see the class-less individuals they really are???

  3. When a person loses a loved one, the things they used in their every day life become priceless. It's hard to understand the thought process of someone who feels they have the right to take whatever they want. I hope you will insist on having all of Bryan's things returned to you, not just a few things.

    To the person who took the things I say, "What goes around comes around and pay-backs are a bitch!"

  4. I agree with all of you. I can't express the venom I have for this type of person. What I do know is that it will NOT be pretty when he/she faces the wrath that's coming to them for their actions.

    But happy for you and family that you did get some of Bryan's memorabilia.


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