Thursday, August 16, 2007

Consequences of Street Racing

After running a Google search on illegal street racing I was floored at the sheer numbers of young people losing their lives for a moment of fun, everyday of the week. Not to mention the ones that survive, but are never the same again because of their injuries.

A neighbor mentioned donating Bryan’s car to police agencies for displaying at high schools, if anyone knows whom I can contact it would be appreciated.

The following pictures were taken by George Ogden and sent to me via email of the aftermath of Bryan’s accident.


  1. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Living on a rather wide street as I do, we are constantly plagued with "street" racers most of the summer.

    Being an active member of Neighborhood Watch has helped cut way back on these potential tragedies waiting to happen. The Inglewood Police Dept. has proven to be a valuable ally in this fight against accidents waiting to happen

  2. Good lord. Those are just awful! What grabs me is the level of force it took to crush that car. It was violent and deathly and makes me pause.

    I'm very sorry, Edward.

  3. Leaving work early yesterday to get to a salon appointment on Azusa Avenue, I happened to drive by the accident scene.

    As I exited the 210 freeway, it occurred to me that, being on Azusa Avenue, I would possibly pass the scene. As much as I didn't want to see it, there was no way to avoid it. IT WAS HORRIBLE! One would have to see it to believe it.

    Tears immediately came to my eyes and I couldn't help but have those feelings that I've dealt with in the past week.

    PLEASE, folks...let's get the message out there as best we can! Street racing is deadly! To Edward: You can check with ANY Police Dept. to inquire what programs they have to warn kids about street racing. My PD does demonstrations regularly at the local high schools on drunk driving and the like. I think it is a good idea to donate Bryan's car to support a program if it will save a life.

    May Bryan's soul be at rest.


  4. Those pictures are devastating!...They are also a reminder of how our lives can be changed within the blink of an eye...Whenever I end a conversation on the phone, or say goodbye to my family, friends, and loved ones...The last words I always say are "I Love You!"...Seriously you just really never know when it will be the last time you see one another....


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