Thursday, October 11, 2007

Speedcat Hollydale Lands on Planet X

So... I was invited to join as a writer here on the Pressmens blog by Kanani and Ed. What an honor!
What I usually post are pictures that I create, and then add dialog to match. I will start here with what I know.
As a blogger, I am used to reader interaction. I never just throw something out there and move on. Comments lead me to create something new - sometimes I'll even ask point blank, "What would you like to see?" Hopefully readers here will comment in the same fashion. I will try to reply to everyone in return!

Below you will find a TEST. Some of the creations here are by "yours truly". Some are highly regarded pieces of art. To help you out a tad (this may be hard for the non-artisan), I put a few hints on some of the pictures.

Well? Simply count the number of professional artworks, and comment with your answer. I'll grade them up soon.

IN THE NEWS: I'm hungry for some hot wings! Gotta go!!


  1. I sense trademark infringement, Speedy!

  2. Non-artisan that I am, I say:

    Speedcat - 5
    Leonardo - 1

    Anxiously awaiting my test results!

  3. Speedcat,

    Thanks for joining our group, I hope you have as much fun here as with your own blog.

    Your posts usually bring a smile to my face, and this week I sure can use something to smile about.

    It has not been a very good week for my children and I, so thanks again my friend.

  4. Hey - this is nice!

    Kanani: You know, I did have an idea that "cat man" looked familiar.

    Nubia: You get a B+ with a hearty hand shake.

    Ed: I do hope your week turns around too. I know my style is a bit odd, but a smile is all that I hope to get. Sometimes that's a lot.

    Thanks again Edward :-)

  5. GEEZ...I'm even WORSE than I thought!

    Hope to do better next time.

    Keep it coming, Speedcat:-)

  6. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Wow!!! You're definitely a great addition to the blog!!!!

  7. Nubia: Ooops, I made a mistake. You get an A and a hearty hand shake

    Chef Debi: I see you have some strong connections! I will have to share some of my dinner creations soon... I like HOT foods.

  8. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Anytime Speedcat!!! I am in the process of creating my own blog "Taste of the Nation"!!! Would love to "dish" with you!!!!

  9. Anonymous2:34 PM


    I'm gonna guess 3 other, 2 you???

  10. Chef Debi: I did visit your new page and left a link to "What's Cooking Wednesday" on a good friends blog. Wear a coat, she's Canadian! (LOL!!!)

    The test?? Well, 3 are completely mine, 2 are partly mine, and yes...I painted the Mona Lisa :-)


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.