Thursday, October 11, 2007

Speedcat Hollydale Lands on Planet X

So... I was invited to join as a writer here on the Pressmens blog by Kanani and Ed. What an honor!
What I usually post are pictures that I create, and then add dialog to match. I will start here with what I know.
As a blogger, I am used to reader interaction. I never just throw something out there and move on. Comments lead me to create something new - sometimes I'll even ask point blank, "What would you like to see?" Hopefully readers here will comment in the same fashion. I will try to reply to everyone in return!

Below you will find a TEST. Some of the creations here are by "yours truly". Some are highly regarded pieces of art. To help you out a tad (this may be hard for the non-artisan), I put a few hints on some of the pictures.

Well? Simply count the number of professional artworks, and comment with your answer. I'll grade them up soon.

IN THE NEWS: I'm hungry for some hot wings! Gotta go!!


Kanani said...

I sense trademark infringement, Speedy!

Nubia said...

Non-artisan that I am, I say:

Speedcat - 5
Leonardo - 1

Anxiously awaiting my test results!

Edward Padgett said...


Thanks for joining our group, I hope you have as much fun here as with your own blog.

Your posts usually bring a smile to my face, and this week I sure can use something to smile about.

It has not been a very good week for my children and I, so thanks again my friend.

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Hey - this is nice!

Kanani: You know, I did have an idea that "cat man" looked familiar.

Nubia: You get a B+ with a hearty hand shake.

Ed: I do hope your week turns around too. I know my style is a bit odd, but a smile is all that I hope to get. Sometimes that's a lot.

Thanks again Edward :-)

Nubia said...

GEEZ...I'm even WORSE than I thought!

Hope to do better next time.

Keep it coming, Speedcat:-)

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! You're definitely a great addition to the blog!!!!

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Nubia: Ooops, I made a mistake. You get an A and a hearty hand shake

Chef Debi: I see you have some strong connections! I will have to share some of my dinner creations soon... I like HOT foods.

Anonymous said...

Anytime Speedcat!!! I am in the process of creating my own blog "Taste of the Nation"!!! Would love to "dish" with you!!!!

Anonymous said...


I'm gonna guess 3 other, 2 you???

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Chef Debi: I did visit your new page and left a link to "What's Cooking Wednesday" on a good friends blog. Wear a coat, she's Canadian! (LOL!!!)

The test?? Well, 3 are completely mine, 2 are partly mine, and yes...I painted the Mona Lisa :-)