Thursday, November 08, 2007 Transformation

The old online version of the Los Angeles Times

After almost eight years of negative news at the Los Angeles Times, we finally have some positive news this week. The publisher of the newspaper, David Hiller, announced a modest but positive trend, circulation edged up a half percent.

The Los Angeles Times online edition has undergone a complete makeover, a brand new logo with a very nice color scheme for every page. But what I noticed and enjoyed the most is the easy navigation of the pages, without having to resort to the system map to locate what I want.

I’m short of time at the moment, so I will have additional comments regarding the Times online transformation within the next few days.


  1. Yeah, I noticed it the other day. I like the old masthead MUCH more.

  2. Hi Ed, I checked it out. They have a well thought out and easy to load page. I cannot elaborate on the masthead, because they make me nervous.
    Take care, Speedy


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