Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Changing Family Traditions

Christmas 2007 will be over in but twenty-two hours, but I wish it were Christmas past and nothing more than a bad memory now.

I worked a double shift last night and printed the Los Angeles Times for the San Fernando Valley, and when my product was looking it’s best, I was able to relax for a moment and scan through the many pages of the newspaper.

A particular article, by Sandy Banks, caught my attention regarding traditions and how her family has made changes the past two years. Why this was of interest to me was the lost tradition my family had on getting together for Christmas Eve the past twenty-three years. We ended our tradition tonight, so Sandy’s story grabbed my attention, as I should have been with my six children tonight, as usual, and not working.

We have moved our tradition to Christmas Day, and not at my house, but at my daughter Lauren’s home. So Christmas Eve just did not feel normal, but changes are something we have to deal with in life. My colleagues at the newspaper understand what I’m referring to, but many new users may not have a clue why we changed our tradition, so click here to fully understand what my family is going through this Christmas Day.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Everyone.

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