Friday, February 08, 2008

Sam Zell's Act of Urgency

After meeting Sam Zell yesterday my colleagues and I are filled with hope, and moral has never been higher. Our Tribune Boss’ silence, regarding Sam Zell, speaks volumes to the blue-collar workers at Olympic. I’m not attempting to gain favor with Sam Zell, but tonight’s event, at three different Times properties prompted this post.

Pressroom foreman, Woody Johnson, has tried in vain to have a pool table brought into the Olympic Facility, yet his requests to our current Tribune Bosses has fallen on deaf ears the last two years, like most suggestions or ideas do from my colleagues.

Yesterday Woody asked Sam if he was a pool player, which Sam answered he was not. After the meeting concluded, David Craddock approached Sam and explained why Woody was inquiring about Sam’s pool playing, and tonight we witnessed Urgency.

Sam Zell does not joke around about his urgency; he makes split second decisions, without taking a breath. As an example of his urgency tonight, a pool table was being installed in the cafeteria at Olympic. Our plant is not alone in gaining a pool table, a table was also put into place at Times Mirror Square, and at the Times Costa Mesa Plant.

I wish our Tribune Bosses had the same sense of urgency as Sam; maybe we would have the much-needed part for our printing press, which we have been waiting for over a week and a half for.

Many of us do not play pool, so the pool tables are not important, but Sam's actions have grabbed our attention.
From the men and women at the three Times properties with new pool tables, thank you Sam.


  1. I remember reading the late Katharine Graham's biography a long time ago. She was the publisher of the Washington Post. Her press crew went on strike. And she and her upper management had to go down and print the paper each day.

    I'm sure Zell understands how far something comparatively inexpensive like a pool table can go to instilling good will and morale --especially at a time when the industry as a whole is taking multiple hits.
    Wise man. So far so good.

  2. Anonymous1:26 AM

    You may not be trying to gain favor with Sam Zell, but it sure seems he's trying to gain favor with the blue collar guys at the Times.

    Pretty cool.



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