Sunday, June 29, 2008

Employees Rate Supervision at Tribune Company

Every year the men and women working in Operations at the Los Angeles Times are given a rating on job performance, occasionally it happens but every other year. This year was an unusual rating across the board, as the majority of employees received very poor ratings, which makes one wonder how we produce a newspaper if we are all so incompetent?

Ronnie Pineda has created a survey for employees to rate their supervisors and managers, which will reflect the incompetent to the highly proficient leaders at Olympic and Orange County Production Facilities.

Sam Zell, Senior Management and Supervision are topics of an online survey I have created for the purpose of evaluating those who evaluate us.

I have wanted to create something like this survey for quite some time now and this
website provided the opportunity to finally do so.

We have all sat down with a supervisor during an evaluation and felt that their evaluation of our performance was not quite as accurate as what we would consider to be a true assessment of our work. We are evaluated for our performance and it is proper that we do the same of our management and supervision. Do they manage and supervise in a manner that promotes productivity, cooperation and teamwork, or do they do just the opposite? You can let each of them know in this survey. We
will evaluate each of their performance using the same "H" (Highly proficient)"P" (Proficient) and "N" (Needs improvement) grading system used to rate our performance in the same "General Competencies" areas of:
Problem Solving Skills

Click here to be taken to the survey from Save Our Trade Blog

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