Sunday, June 29, 2008

Job Action at Los Angeles Times

Our friends over at Tell Zell are calling for a job action, which we are unable to participate in because of the attention we are drawing to ourselves, but other Tribune employees can and are encouraged to join in to show support for one another.

As a direct result of my interview with Paul Gillin, from Newspaper Death Watch, I am no longer allowed to give personal tours at the Olympic Production Facility, because I told Mr. Gillin the TRUTH regarding maintenance and the lack of on our printing presses.

So I will be unable to call in sick on July 9th, like many other Tribunites.

Here's what Tell Zell is proposing:

Many fellow Retchers want to protest Zell's continuing cuts. One suggestion comes from a hack who wishes to be known as M from the Orlando Sentinel:

"It's clear that Sam Zell wants a world without journalists. So, for a day, let's give him his wish. On July 9, I encourage all Tribune employees to call in sick to protest his destruction of our newspapers. If any reporter, photographer or other journalist cannot do that, then use the July 10 edition for a byline, cutline or masthead strike.

I refuse to let serious journalism die without a fight."

The Retch thinks protest an excellent, jolly idea. What do you think of the sick out/byline strike plan? Poll below is anonymous. You can click on "view results" to see how many other Tribune staffers agree.

Take the Tell Zell survey by clicking here.

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