Friday, June 06, 2008

Friday Afternoon News

Los Angeles landmark near LAX


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Ahh, The big donut, I used to live within 500 feet of that baby. When I was 11 years old we moved into a house in Inglewood, and my dad left me, and two of my older brothers there on our first night, alone. He left us a dollar to buy a donut in the morning for breakfast. As soon as he left, we ran across the street and bought donuts. Mine was a cake donut with orange frosting. Those were the days.

  2. Eddo,

    You have stirred fond memories of years gone past within me. As a child growing up in Alhambra, I still recall how I would anticipate the arrival of the Helms Man, with the toot of his special horn; my mouth would begin to water as I raced out the front door to treat my palette to something sweet.

    My favorite treat were the glazed donuts, it would take my two little hands to steady these monster of a donut, that only cost a nickel, but gave me much pleasure for a few moments.

    Most importantly, this was a social event my neighborhood practiced six days per week, with the children gathering around the older men and women to exchange greetings, as we enjoyed our donuts.

    The Helms Bakery folded many years ago and is now the home of the Jazz Bakery, on Venice Blvd.

    Alas, those were the days…

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Yes Ed, I too, remembr the Helms Bakery Trucks. Even if we couldn't buy one, we would go out anyway and watch as the Helms man pulled the drawers of baked goods open. They also use to give little foldout cardboard Helms trucks to the kids, the wheels being the weakest part.

    I lived in Gardena from 1st grade to sixth grade, which at the time had a heavy Japanese population, and a fish truck would also come down our street. We would also love to go out and look at the fish on ice in the back of a pick-up truck with a canopy over the top.

  4. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Regarding the article - L. A. Times To Cut Pages. I told kurtich to do this over 2 1/2 years ago. I also said that editorial was too fat due to the amount of writers vs. page content before that. On June 2 of this year, on this blog I also said to cut editorial by at least 30%. Now if Sam wants to save more big bucks - outsource HR. They could even do it with a push button menu - for example for benefits push 1, for buyout inforamtion press 2, for union news press 3, etc.. They could even do this from India for crying out loud. You see, I am on the cutting edge.

    Now, If Sam wants other ideas, he is going to have to pay for them, because, I have some real good ones. Sam, before you flush HR down the toilet, get my phone number from them. Ahahahahaha

  5. Anonymous9:48 AM

    "Regarding the article - L. A. Times To Cut Pages. I told kurtich to do this over 2 1/2 years ago. I also said that editorial was too fat due to the amount of writers vs. page content before that. On June 2 of this year, on this blog I also said to cut editorial by at least 30%."

    WOW Eddo..... What vision!'re only repeating what has been said by most production managers and production people for the last 30 years, including M. Kurtich! And it never happen because (as you know) Editorial ruled the penthouse!

    Come on Eddo how about a "original" idea!

  6. Anonymous4:48 PM

    anon said: "'re only repeating what has been said by most production managers and production people for the last 30 years"...". Thirty years ago, ahahahahahahah. That was The Times' hayday nucklehead. They were looking for larger press and color capacity at that time.

    The Times was much more conservative and balanced at that time also. Then the left wing stepped in, sold the country down the river, and as the country went, so did the U. S. based corporations and the middle class.

    The only way to recover, is to put God first, I could say much more about this and L. A. Times content, but I will save that for another day. Investigative and honest reporting on free trade, education, the environmental movement - including global warming, shale oil, nuclear power, freeing up billions of barrels of oil right in our own country locked up by the democrats. Also trade deficit, fractional reserve banking. Treaties, trading with the enemy, and on and on. Unless we put God first, and our country first, we are doomed.

  7. Anonymous10:43 AM


    Stay on point Eddo.

    I say again.....

    Come on Eddo how about a "original" idea!

  8. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Hey,I got an original idea.
    Let's cut the size of the paper and downsize the newsroom.
    I'm a Genius. How about a big fat bonus!

  9. Anonymous6:38 PM

    anon said: I say again.....

    Come on Eddo how about a "original" idea!

    Listen up knuckle head, did you read what I said earlier? Just in case you are cognitively challenged, I will repeat it one more time: Now, If Sam wants other ideas, he is going to have to pay for them, because, I have some real good ones. Sam, before you flush HR down the toilet, get my phone number from them.

    You don't think I am going to cast my pearls to the swine, do you? Ahahahahahahaha

  10. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I got an original idea!
    Let's invest in the paper and give the reader more instead of less.
    I know it sounds crazy, but what the heck.


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