Saturday, June 07, 2008

Sammy Maloof & Winning at the Race of Life

After losing my 24-year-old son Bryan to Illegal Street racing, 10 months ago tomorrow, my pain has been redirected towards bringing the reality of Illegal Street racing to the awareness of young men and women. Last year as I scanned YouTube for videos pertaining to street racing, I happened across one of Sammy Maloof’s videos and made a comment, not knowing this would bring us together on a mission to prevent young people from dying for a thrill that lasts but a moment. Pictured, my grandson David Padgett with Sammy.

Sammy has been invited to be a speaker at the Celebrate Freedom event in Frisco Texas on the 27th and 28th of this month. It is THE LARGEST FREE OUTDOOR CONCERT IN THE COUNTRY. EVENT COORDINATORS ARE ESTIMATING 600,000 PEOPLE ATTENDING.

Sammy will also be putting on a stunt show demonstration and giving many rides to kids and "young at heart adults" in his racecar. Sammy and his entire team are volunteering their time and talents. The coordinator of the event told us that there will be major promotion via TV, print and radio and their website at:

Our Winning Stunt Team will set up cones and ramps, and trailer in one professional racecar. After Sammy speaks, a racecar demonstration will be given by Sammy in his 1967 Camaro, powered by a 415 cubic inch Chevrolet engine with approximately 640 horsepower and 636 foot pounds of torque built by Maloof Racing Engines, Inc. This racecar has been completely reworked and engineered for stunt driving and is only driven by professional stuntmen. It is completely caged for safety with a special braking system for turns. Everyone has the opportunity for children and adults to win a safe, assisted, unforgettable stunt driving experience with Sammy. The attendees will really enjoy this event. The opportunity for them to ride next to a Hollywood Stuntman inside a real life, custom built Hollywood stunt car is an unforgettable experience which will leave them talking for many years to come. A large screen TV will continuously play Sammy's stunt work in movies like The Fast & The Furious Tokyo Drift. Photo opportunities and signed autographed pictures from Sammy will also be available.

You can see actual footage of this on his website at (click on the two police cars for a preview).

In order to offset the large cost of this event, we are getting sponsors to cover the cost of transportation of the vehicle which includes; fuel for our Diesel truck from Los Angeles to Texas, the jump ramp, tires for the stunt car, fuel for the stunt car, expenses to our crew, and all the talent that it takes to operate the vehicle- (appx. $10,000). At a much smaller show, Sammy gave over 300 rides in one day alone.

Sammy will also be in town a few days prior to and the entire week following, and would love to have the opportunity to share his testimony with churches, juvenile halls, prisons, schools, etc.
This event will be a blessing to everyone, especially the children, as Sammy always gives above and beyond 100% in everything he does.

Because the show is on the 27th, (less than 3 weeks away), I know TOGETHER we can make it happen.

We will display your banner on Sammy's 26-foot Box Truck and put your stickers on his racecar for advertising. We are filming, and will be posting the event on You Tube with a SPECIAL THANKS to everyone who helps make this happen.

Just think, if each sponsor gets just a 1% response from the expected 600,000 people attending the show -that's 6,000 more customers you will get driven to your website which will bring major increase to your business!

Please go to Sammy's website at to see several videos, pictures and other information. You can learn more about Winning at the Race of Life and even download our full color 44-page magazine as our FREE gift to you.

Sammy strongly believes the younger generation needs to know that God has a wonderful plan for their life and can give them their hearts desires just as He did for him in the movie industry.

If you would like sponsor our trip, please email me or contact me at the number below. Thank you so kindly for your time. You will be richly blessed for all you do to help us!

Winning at the Race of Life®
P.O. Box 848
Sierra Madre, CA 91025-0848
Office: (626) 292-2258
Fax: (626) 286-1083

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