Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pressman Larry Brush -30-

Nubia and Larry

Word just arrived that Larry Brush, also know as Mercy to colleagues at the Los Angeles Times Olympic Production Facility, has bid farewell to his friends at the Times, to spend more time with his family. Larry is a regular at our semi-annual dinners, and all the poker parties the pressmen enjoy monthly. If you would like to say farewell to our old friend with a phone call or card, drop an email my way.

Good luck Larry; you'll be missed.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck, Larry! LAT's loss. You're a great guy and it is my pleasure to know you. But your car color STILL sucks:-)

    Looking forward to seeing you soon, even if you do call me Debi! I know, we all look alike, huh?

    Wishing you the very BEST!

    Take care, Buddy!


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