Thursday, June 26, 2008

Times Mirror Square For Sale - As Is

From Save Our Trade Blog
Sam Zell strikes again. This whole ESOP bullshit and implying that the employees are owners and partners is insulting. We would never support the decision to sell these historic properties or as Zell states, "maximize their value" Who will see the proceeds from these transactions? Not the ESOP "Partners", the "Lender" partners get their cut first and there wont be anything left when they're done.


  1. This whole ESOP bullshit and.....

    "By posting here, you agree to follow the rules as set forth on the blog. 1. No personal attacks. 2. Stay on topic. 3. No profanity. 4. Keep your shirttail tucked. Anonymous posters are fine, however, an influx of posts that don't follow rules 1-4 will result in taking away the ability to post ."


    And not even a anonymous post!

  2. Ronnie Piñata said,
    "...This whole ESOP bullshit and implying that the employees are owners and partners..."

    Don't worry about it Ronnie. You are not a part of the ESOP nor are you an employee owner. You are covered by a collective bargaining agreement and anything you get is yet to be determined.

  3. Punypud,

    My name is Pineda, what's your last name?

    If you haven't realized, the ESOP IS bullshit, and you don't own a damn thing either, and never will, because Sam exploited an ESOP loophole and stole the company with the help of that scum Fitzsimons. He is going to sell everything and fired everyone he can.

    You and Old OC will never get it.
    You once said you need to get a hobby, I suggest you both get a life.

    Grab the stick, beat the Pinata, and you'll get your prize!

  4. Easy Ronnie, easy. Some of my best friends are piñatas.

    I just wanted to remind you that you're not a participant in the ESOP and you're not an employee owner. You have been talking as if you are.

    The $$$ gain by being an employee owner is a big gamble. But, like all long-shots, the pay-out could be huge.

    Fact is, everything in our business is now an enormous gamble. You can't stop change. The years of the velvet coffin are forever gone.

    BTW, I don't want to grab your stick, I certainly don't want to beat it, and no way in hell do I want the "prize."

  5. Ronnie, Don't fret whether or not Grandstupud is a pressman or not. Of course he isn't. Can't you see he is "the clown." Clowns don't count.

    What counts is what you put in your pocket, as far as work goes, that is. You need to make a side by side comparison of what the takeaways were before you went union and the takeaways after you went union. The evidence is self evident, it is profound. It is so profound, that even "the clown" can see it. Now go ahead and do it and do it soon. You don't even have to show all of the takeaways before you went union, just the big ones. They are so numerous, you won't have any difficulty recalling them.

    Remember as I have told you before - The people, who post against you on this blog, are a mere dissenting voice to the truth who speaks.

  6. Eddo Wildbelcher said,
    "...You need to make a side by side comparison of what the takeaways were before you went union and the takeaways after you went union..."

    Hey Eddo,

    Do the pay increases of up to 5% everyone else got last week count as a take-away from Ronnie? Or, to qualify as a take-away, would Ronnie have to been given a 5% raise then had it pulled back?

    Just asking so I know the rules here.

    * * McCain & Grandspud in '08 * *


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.