Monday, August 04, 2008

Jack McGrath Los Angeles Times Subscriber

The employees of the Los Angeles Times have been making noise over the past few years on the destruction of the newspaper, yet it has fallen on deaf ears. The profit margin the Times generate is something many other companies would die for, yet it’s never enough.

Just yesterday I was rather shocked to see four letters from subscribers published in the Business Section, which does show someone is listening to our readers.

I spoke with a very active subscriber by the name of Jack McGrath yesterday; if you’re unfamiliar with Mr. McGrath the post right below here is an example of the advertising he has taken out in many local publications. He tells me we will see many more ads in the coming weeks throughout the southland.

Mr. McGrath is a very dedicated Los Angeles Times reader, over forty years as a subscriber, and is not the type that will sit still and say nothing. Remember his name as you will be hearing much more about him soon.

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