Saturday, August 02, 2008

Please Sell the LA Times - Subscriber Chants

Sam Zell
Please Sell the LA Times - Now!

I had never heard of you before, Mr. Zell, but of late, you have really caused me, and my fellow Angelenos, some real indigestion. You have fired at the LA Times, some of the most capable writers and reporters in the nation, because the paper's profits are not adding to your $7 Billion net worth.

I have been a loyal and satisfied Times subscriber for over 40 years. I like the book section, the Sunday opinion pages, the Highway section, the columnists, and the look of the paper. I do not support what you are doing to the LA Times.

Please do all of us a really big favor in Los Angeles. Make an offer to sell the paper to a real LA Lover- such as Richard Riordan, Eli Broad, or David Geffen, or other backer of newspapers. Any of these business people will restore our newspaper to its former greatness, and still receive a return on their investment.

Mr. Zell - Give us back our newspaper!

Jack McGrath, Valley Village, CA.

Fellow LA Times Readers- Do you agree?
Send e-mail


  1. I recall one of your fellow pressmen speaking about Sam Zell as if he were the second coming. Were you of the same opinion when he came on board?

    I'm suspicious of folk such as Geffen who used all the "law" money could buy to deny citizens their rightful "right of way" to the beach. As for Eli Broad, he was ready to turn the dilapidated (currently restored ) 1932 Olympic Swim Stadium into a parking lot.

    Being semi new to your blog, do you have a dated post that outlines the specific changes?

  2. A few things these two "subscriber" posts made me reflect upon:

    - As a 40+ year subscriber, Mr. McGrath is likely 65 to 75 years old. I'm sure his loyalty to The Times is valued, but building a future on him and his generation is not a good plan.

    - Stop with the Knight-in-White-Armor, fairy tale crap. No benevolent savior is coming to rescue us.

    - People have the cause-and-effect ass backwards. Zell did not bring about our problems. Our problems brought about Zell.

    - It's all about revenue, stupid. When revenue increases, good things usually happen. When revenue declines, bad things usually happen.

    - Let's take some personal responsibility here. Biased journalism, arrogance, indifference, stagnation and inefficiency are big contributors to our current condition.

  3. Opps, gotcha Ed!!!!

  4. Old O.C. my friend,

    Not ignoring you or anyone else for that matter, just preoccupied with an anniversary this Friday that is rather unpleasant. Will be back with a vengeance after Friday.

    Take care and thank you for commenting.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.