Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Los Angeles Times Love Ride 2008

The men and women of the Los Angeles Times were treated to free passes to the Love Ride 2008, which is a charity event the Los Angeles Times supports. The riders had the option of meeting at Harley Davidson of Glendale to ride with 20,000 other motorcyclists or just riding to the Pomona Fairplex on their own. Many of the Times riders opted to meet at the Olympic Plant and ride together from this point instead of with the mass of riders following Jay Leno.

What began as a chilly Sunday morning soon turned into a scorching heat wave that drove many to flee on their motorcycles to cooler locations. With shade at a premium, a few from our group took refuge next to the first aid tent. Luckily for the overflowing crowd a cool breeze kicked in just about the time The Tubes ended their set.

I captured seventy-two photographs, which can be viewed on my Flickr page, so feel free to copy or have the pictures you enjoy printed through Flickr.

....................................Pete Mastin with Tom Denton

Many in the group wondered if this will be the last Love Ride for Times Employees as Debbie Ream of Promotions at the Times was let go last Tuesday?

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