Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Will the LA Times Release Obama Video?

On Monday in my usual style I supplied a link to bloggers that are targeting advertisers in the Los Angeles Times. No this is not the Teamsters or readers upset with the cutbacks at the newspaper, they are a group of bloggers that are pressuring the Los Angeles Times to post the video of Barack Obama praising a Palestinian activist in 2003. This story is certain to grow just days before the general election.

From the Los Angeles Times:

McCain campaign accuses L.A. Times of 'suppressing' Obama video
By a Times staff writer 6:01 PM PDT

The Times says its promise to a source prevents the paper from posting the video, which shows Barack Obama praising Palestinian activist Rashid Khalidi at a 2003 banquet. The story first appeared in April.

- Allies of Palestinians see a friend in Barack Obama


  1. Why does'nt the reporter go back and ask the individual that shot the video, due to it's importance, to release the reporter from his promise to not show it? If he can't get an agreement, a transcript of the tape should be released. That promise was never made. Until The Times releases all the information they have on this one, I encourage all who give a damn, to cancel their subcriptions, that is precious little that are left. We expect real journalism from The Times, not yellow journalism.

  2. The Los Angeles Times needs to report both sides of each story, not cover up something many would be interested in viewing.

  3. How many subscribers did we lose when the Times decided to smear Gov. Schwarzenegger ?? What hypocrites


  4. Eddo, you're such a simple-minded moron and traitor to the working-class.

    Besides, your beloved Senator McCain is better off just dropping the whole thing. Too bad that the lovely but empty-headed Sarah Palin (hey, maybe you're related to the Palins...) already took it upon herself -- she's such a maverick -- to accuse Sen. Obama of palling around with Rashid Khalidi.

    For those of you who haven't read about Sen. McCain's generous donations to the Rashid Khalidi's foundation -- the Center for Palestine Research and Studies --here is part of an article written by Seth Colter Walls:

    "In regards to Khalidi, however, the guilt-by-association game burns John McCain as well.

    During the 1990s, while he served as chairman of the International Republican Institute (IRI), McCain distributed several grants to the Palestinian research center co-founded by Khalidi, including one worth half a million dollars.

    A 1998 tax filing for the McCain-led group shows a $448,873 grant to Khalidi's Center for Palestine Research and Studies for work in the West Bank. (See grant number 5180, "West Bank: CPRS" on page 14 of this PDF.)

    The relationship extends back as far as 1993, when John McCain joined IRI as chairman in January. Foreign Affairs noted in September of that year that IRI had helped fund several extensive studies in Palestine run by Khalidi's group, including over 30 public opinion polls and a study of "sociopolitical attitudes."

    Also, people, don't cancel your subscriptions to the Times and click on as many LAT.com ads as you can. Support Ed Padgett and all of the other good people at the L.A. Times.

  5. “Reality is usually scoffed at and illusion is usually king, but in the battle for the survival of Western civilization it will be reality and not illusion or delusion that will determine what the future will bring."

    Ho(moe) has been hoodwinked and he is too much of an ignoramus to realize it. The Times has had a 5%+ reduction in daily circulation and a 6%+ reduction in Sunday circulation in the last 6 months alone. People are sick and tired of being lied to by the mass media, also evidenced by major network drops in viewer ship.

    Only an idiot would support an organization that obfuscates the truth, and holds values that are anti-Christ as displayed by their open support of pro-abortion laws and candidates, homosexuality, and numerous other liberal ideals.

    Face it, when one supports another in their sin(s), one is also guilty, to some degree, of that sin. In the case of supporting abortion, that one is guilty of grievous sin, unless one is invincibly ignorant. Most, such as ho(moe), are guilty of culpable ignorance. They see what they want to see and they hear what they want to hear and thus have hardened their hearts to God's gift of conscience and have opened the way for the devil to enter into their souls. The only other explanation is insanity or some other psychological disorder.

    If you really want to support Ed Padgett and the other folks at The Times, tell Zell to accelerate the lay-offs of those in the editorial department that are propagating the liberal ideas that are driving customers and advertisers away and start putting God, country, private property and family first. If we do these four things first, we will be prosperous, both as a country, and individuals. Sin and socialism always lead to failure - time has proven this over and over.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.