Monday, December 15, 2008

Iraqi Throws Shoes at Bush

An Iraqi man throws a shoe at President George W. Bush during a new conference with Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Sunday, Dec. 14, 2008, in Baghdad. A man threw two shoes at Bush, one after another, during the news conference. Bush ducked both throws, and neither man was hit.


  1. I am SO not a fan of Bush, but I take offense at the attack on our President.

    My question is: Why did it take a second shoe-throw for the Secret Service to come to his aid? Totally unacceptable!

    I am, however, proud of George W. for his double-duck of the size 10's.

    Good job, George W!

  2. Thanks Nubia. Well put, fellow American!

    I am not a fan of Obama's politics but he will be my President. I have hopes he lives up to his responsibility, as our first black president, to build a great legacy.

    Also, as our Comander-in-Chief, I pray he lives up to the oath he will take on inaguration day. Specifically, " the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." And that includes all 27 amendments whether he personally agrees with them, or not!

    1st - Freedom of religion, of speech, of the press, to petition, and to assemble

    2nd - The right to keep and bear arms

    3rd - No quartering of soldiers in private houses during times of peace or war

    4th - Interdiction of unreasonable Searches and seizures

    5th - Indictments; Due process; Self-incrimination; Double jeopardy, and rules for Eminent Domain.

    6th - Right to a fair and speedy public trial, Notice of accusations, Confronting one's accuser, Subpoenas, Right to counsel

    7th - Right to trial by jury in civil cases

    8th - No excessive bail & fines or cruel & unusual punishment

    9th - Unenumerated rights

    10th - limits the power of the Federal government

    11th - Immunity of states from suits from out-of-state citizens and foreigners not living within the state borders. Lays the foundation for sovereign immunity.

    12th - Revision of presidential election procedures

    13th - Abolition of slavery

    14th - Citizenship, state due process, applies Bill of Rights to the states, revision to apportionment of Representatives, Denies public office to anyone who has rebelled against the United

    15th - Suffrage no longer restricted by race

    16th - Allows federal income tax

    17th - Direct election to the United States Senate

    18th - Prohibition of alcohol (Repealed by 21st amendment)

    19th - Women's suffrage

    20th - Term Commencement for congress and president

    21st - Repeal of Eighteenth Amendment; state and local prohibition

    22nd - Limits the president to two terms

    23rd - Representation of Washington, D.C. in the Electoral College

    24th - Prohibition of the restriction of voting rights due to the non-payment of poll taxes

    25th - Presidential Succession

    26th - Voting age nationally established as age 18

    27th - Variance of congressional compensation

  3. Grandspud, I see that, regardless of our differences, we still have our pride as AMERICANS.

    Good to know that we can agree to disagree. Good, bad, or indifferent, our allegiance remains with the USA.

    We can only be hopeful that SOMEONE delivers...and I think SOMEONE can:-)



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