Monday, December 15, 2008

Save Our Trade: Local Officer Nominations Meeting

By Ronnie Pineda

Clear your calenders for Sunday January 4, 2009 (time and place to follow) so you can attend the meeting and nominate the Brothers and Sisters you would like to serve on our New Local's Executive Board.

The positions we will be seeking nominees for are as follows:

1 President- to preside over the local and the executive board.

2 Vice President(s) one from each shop to represent their respective shop and assist the President in operating the Local.

1 Recording Secretary to record minutes of our meetings.

Secretary Treasurer to oversee the funds and resources of our Local

6 Shop Stewards 3 in each shop, 1 on each shift to enforce the contract and assist with member/management issues in the shops and also investigating and filing grievances when necessary.

I encourage everyone to participate in this process, this is democracy in action, be a part of it.

In Solidarity.

Save Our Trade: Local Officer Nominations Meeting

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