Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Price Increase for the Los Angeles Times

According to Kevin Roderick the Los Angeles Times has increased the single daily copy price of the newspaper from fifty cents to seventy-five cents. I ran several online searches at LATimes.com without locating any word of a price increase from my employer. I wonder if my employee discount for my subscription will increase as well?


  1. Like yourself, I had no knowledge of the price increase. A staff member purchase the LAT daily and shares his paper with me. I only subscribe Thursday through Sunday. Needless to say, he was NOT pleased at the increase without forewarning. And I, as well, was quite surprised and thought it was a sneaky move on behalf of the powers that be at the LAT.

    If someone can show me where The Times announced the price increase, I would gladly eat crow for overlooking same!

  2. Conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy...

    Fact is, with advertising down, consumers of great journalism must pick up some costs.

    BTW Nubia, even in my wildest dreams I've never worn a T-shirt with a life-like picture of George Bush. What gives fellow American???

    Love ya,

  3. Hey, Grandspud!

    Not so much that I mind paying for what I want...but in these economic times, it's good practice to alert the consumer of such actions. It fosters loyalty. Know what I mean?

    As far as the T-shirt...what part of free expression don't you understand? I chose to wear one...you chose not to.

    Good to hear from you and love ya back!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR, My Friend:-)



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