Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Superman Producer Explores Run For Congress

Hollywood producer Brian Quintana is exploring a run for California's 31st Congressional seat should Rep. Xavier Becerra succumb to pressure to join President Barack Obama's Cabinet as Commerce Secretary.

Quintana is a native of Boyle Heights with close ties to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He volunteered on her first campaign for Congress in 1987 while a student at UC Berkeley, served in her district office from 1989-1990, and secured singer Tony Bennett to perform at her historic Inauguration last year. Campaign reports show that he contributed $2,5000.00 to the Speaker's PAC to the Future last year for an event at Barbra Streisand's home, and co-hosted other fundraising events for Pelosi.

Quintana first ran for public office in 1992. His supporters included some of Hollywood's most prominent players: Barry Diller, Sherry Lansing, Steve Tisch, Aileen Getty, Martin Sheen, Anjelica Huston, and David Geffen. He received 5,744 votes for California's 45th Assembly district which falls entirely within the 31st Congressional district and includes Hollywood, Silver Lake, and Echo Park. Quintana campaigned alongside Becerra who was elevated to Congress that year with just 9,252 votes. He entered the 45th Assembly contest again in 1994, but withdrew to endorse then Assembly candidate, and current Los Angeles Mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa.

"I have been urged to explore a run, and will be talking to past supporters of my political, charitable, and entertainment endeavors," stated Quintana. "My commitment to public service and strengths in district are well documented, but ultimately my decision will come down to money. The time constraints of a special election require that I raise money quickly or self finance."

Quintana would add much needed color to a Congressional special election. His web site touts his 20 years work and photos with four U.S. Presidents, Pelosi, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Villaraigosa, Oprah Winfrey, Brad Pitt, Donald Trump, Tom Cruise and Paris Hilton who he once obtained a restraining order against.

"I will make a methodical decision after consulting supporters, Becerra, and other friends of mine considering this contest," added Quintana. Others exploring the race include LA County Supervisor Gloria Molina, LA City Council President Eric Garcetti, State Senator Gil Cedillo, and Assemblymen Kevin DeLeon, all of whom represent part of the district. In the "Year of Change", pundits say a crowded field could give a slight edge to a political outsider.






  1. Quite a political "who's who" conglomeration in California. I wonder if it is even possible to run for anything without connections, fame, and money.

    Followed you here from Twitter, Ed!

    Hello from Speedy :)

  2. Thank you Joseph,

    Unfortunately either Brian Quintana or his publicist wrote the piece. Brian is a personal family friend and we all wish him well.


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