Monday, August 03, 2009

37 Years at the Los Angeles Times

Hard to believe yet true, the Pressman Blogger has worked at the Los Angeles Times for thirty-seven years today!

I still recall heading to the personnel department to have my photograph taken to affix to my company identification card. As I ran upstairs to the ninth floor of the Times Mirror Building I came into contact with a LA Times photographer, with several 35 MM cameras dangling from her neck, as I exclaimed “I’m here to have you take my photograph”, which she responded, “I don’t take ID photographs sir”.

Another funny but true experience was the time I witnessed a young lady hitch hiking on Spring Street at 3:00 a.m., thinking I was about to help this young girl out I pulled over and offered her a ride. She mentioned she was looking for work, which prompted me to suggest she wait until 8 or 9 in the morning when the businesses were open to find work. Little did I know at the time she was a working girl, was I ever naive thirty-seven years ago.

I have been in a state of anxiety at the Los Angeles Times since I was placed on a last and final notice on August 27th, 2008, which ends in twenty-four days.

I’m happy to report I have been scared straight by this notice, and have changed my ways!

The notice can be viewed below this post.


  1. Congratulations on your accomplishment, and may you be around another 37 Years!

  2. Thank you Wolf.

    Do you realize I have worked at the newspaper longer than you have been alive!


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