Monday, August 03, 2009

Edward's Last and Final Notice

DATE: August 27, 2008
FROM: John Walker
TO: Ed Padgett
SUBJECT: Last & Final Written Warning

Ed, this Last and Final Written Warning is being issued in response to your continued pattern of unacceptable performance. This document outlines recent performance issues and clarifies future job expectations.

On 08/26/08. you failed to follow procedures, left your assigned work area for an unscheduled break.

On 08/21/08, you were assigned as a Press Operator on crew #11, you were responsible for hanging the Thursday F8 & F9 plates in the “Arts & Books” sections. You failed to hang these plates in the proper position on the plate cylinder. Part of the established SOP for hanging plates is to verify that the proper page numbers, date and position on the plate cylinder are in place. You failed to follow this procedure and instead you transposed these two page positions. This action resulted in additional downtime, delaying production and increasing waste for the press.

Although we have discussed with you the level of performance that is expected of you in your position, you have continued to demonstrate unsatisfactory performance, consistently failing to meet expectations. Within the last twelve months, you have been counseled on numerous matters concerning your poor performance such as:

07/24/08 – Failed to follow procedure, unauthorized departure from the work area/property for unscheduled break
06/04/08 – Failed to follow procedure and disobeyed management’s directive regarding non-employee in the facility
05/03/08 – Written Warning – Safety Violation “Speed Washing blankets”
02/07/08 – Failed to follow procedure, failed to complete operator report
01/29/08 – Failed to follow procedure, unauthorized departure from the work area for unscheduled break.
01/24/08 – Disorderly Conduct
01/11/08 – Failed to follow procedure, improper make-ready (balloon detectors)
12/26/07 – Failed to follow procedure, clean press after run
09/05/07 – Verbal Warning – Failed to follow procedures, such as; improper make-ready (balloon detectors 9/3/07), failed to clean blankets, transposed plates, etc.
08/31/07 – Failed to follow procedure, improper make-ready (balloon detectors)

Ed, we are giving you the opportunity to improve your unsatisfactory performance. We want you to have a successful career here and assist you to improve your performance deficiencies and maintain a satisfactory level of performance.

As is our policy, this Last & Final Written Warning may disqualify you from receiving compensation increase if one is offered. Our intent is to communicate to you the company’s expectations for acceptable performance with the goal of ensuring that you improve your performance. Any further offences may result in further corrective action up to and including termination of your employment.


  1. Dis orderly conduct?????

    Did you forget to bow as you passed Walker's office????

  2. disorderly conduct???

    did you forget to bow as you passed Walker's office???


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