Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Important Events From This day in History July 11


2006 India Bombing Campaign Mumbai

2006 : Bombay terrorist attack on trains kills more than 160 people and injures a further 460 when seven bombs are detonated on the train network in the Indian financial capital of Mumbai . The blasts were said to be carried out by members of the radical group Students Islamic Movement of India.

1924 Round The World Flight

1924 : American flyers attempting a round the world flight have arrived at Constantinople (now called Istanbul) in good health and high spirits.

1924 Greenland Treaty Signed

1924 : Norway and Denmark have reached agreement and signed a treaty on their respective interests in Greenland and also includes mechanisms for future disputes, this follows a long war of words between the two nations over Greenland.

1944 President Franklin D. Roosevelt

1944 : President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared that he would accept a nomination to run for president of the United States for the fourth time.

1953 Polio Vaccine Takes Off

1953 : The growing number of victims affected by Polio is encouraging parents to bring children to Polio Vaccination clinics around the country in ever increasing numbers in the greatest mass inoculation in history hoping to stop the spread of the deadly disease (Infantile Paralysis). On the same day in 1977 the Medal of Freedom was awarded to Doctor Jonas E. Salk for his work on battling poliomyelitis / Polio.

1955 U.S.A. 'In God We Trust'

1955 : President Eisenhower signed a bill requiring use of the inscription 'In God We Trust' on all paper money.

1967 Heatwave Nebraska

1967 : Following periods of extremely hot weather reaching 103 degrees large areas of Nebraska were without power due to failure of key components for up to 5 hrs.

1977 U.S.A. Rev Martin Luther King Jr.

1977 : The Medal of Freedom was awarded posthumously to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in a White House ceremony and presented by President Jimmy Carter. The citation accompanying the medal was: "Martin Luther King, Jr., was the conscience of his generation. He gazed upon the great wall of segregation and saw that the power of love could bring it down. From the pain and exhaustion of his fight to fulfill the promises of our founding fathers for our humblest citizens, he wrung his eloquent statement of his dream for America. He made our nation stronger because he made it better. His dream sustains us yet." Signed, Jimmy Carter.

1978 Spain Truck Crash Kills 200

1978 : A truck carrying liquid gas crashes into a campsite, crowded with holiday makers, in San Carlos de la Rapita, Spain. The truck and liquid gas exploded killing more than 200 people.

1979 Skylab Debris Lands Over Australia

1979 : Parts of Skylab, the first US space station, after breaking up in the atmosphere showers burning debris over Australia and into the Indian Ocean.

1985 U.S.A. Coke Changes Formula

1985 : The Coca Cola company makes one of worst decisions in marketing history when it decides to change it's original formula and introduces "New Coke", this was a resounding flop and the public did not like the taste, after just a short period the old coke product was reintroduced as "Classic Coke."


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