Friday, May 31, 2024

Important Events From This day in History May 31


31 May, 2005 U.S.A. Watergate Mole Goes Public

2005 : The former member of the FBI "W. Mark Felt" stepped forward as "Deep Throat," the secret Washington Post source who worked with reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein that helped bring down President Richard M. Nixon during the Watergate scandal.

31 May, 1859 UK Big Ben

1859 : Big Ben rings out over the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, London, England for the first time.

31 May, 1889 U.S.A. Dam Break Johnstown, Pennsylvania

1889 : A dam breaks at a lake above Johnstown, Pennsylvania causing a tidal wave over twenty feet in height to sweep over Johnstown, PA eight miles below. Sweeping everything before the avalanche of water including houses, factories, and bridges. The death toll is estimated to be in the thousands as there was very little warning for residents.

31 May, 1916 World War I The Battle of Jutland

1916 : A German naval fleet consisting of 24 battleships, five battle cruisers, 11 light cruisers and 63 destroyers were just off the Jutland Peninsula, were attacked by a British fleet of 28 battleships, nine battle cruisers, 34 light cruisers and 80 destroyers in one of the greatest sea battles in History known as The Battle of Jutland or the Battle of the Skagerrak, a total of 100,000 men aboard 250 ships were involved in the battle.

31 May, 1921 U.S.A. Tulsa Race Riots

1921 : Following an accusation of improper conduct between a Dick Rowland, a black shoeshiner and Sarah Page, a white elevator operator, hundreds of white people gather and start to form what looks like a lynch mob which ends with the traditionally black district of Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma being burnt to the ground with many black citizens choose or were forced to relocate after the riot which ended on June 1st 1921 after the National Guard troops from Oklahoma City declare martial law.

1917 Japan Builds Up War Machine

1917 : Japan spends nearly $130 million dollars on expanding their naval might during World War I at the same time that America and European nations expanded their naval forces. Due to Japan's inability to import large guns from England at this time, the country faced difficulties in building their own.

1935 India Earthquake

1935 : At 3 AM an earthquake hits Northwestern India leaving an estimated 20,000 people dead in Quetta. Among the dead were 44 members of the Royal Air Force. The Punjab government was quick to send relief in the form of relief supplies, workers, and health professionals. While railways suffered minimal damage, many heavily populated areas were greatly destroyed.

1938 China Japanese Bombing

1938 : 30 Japanese bombers have bombed the Chinese cities of Canton and Hankow and also shot down 18 Chinese planes in dogfights over the cities.

1941 Crete World War II

1941 : The German Army using over 22,000 Paratroopers conquer Crete.

1952 France Communists

1952 : Police throughout the country raided many Communist organization's headquarters and seized documents and weapons. It was likely that party members had previous knowledge of the raids according to reports indicating that much paper burning and barricading took place before the 7:35 am raid.

1957 U.S.A. Arthur Miller

1957 : The House for Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) convicts the playwright Arthur Miller of contempt of Congress for refusing to reveal the names of alleged Communist writers with whom he had attended five or six meetings in New York. Among his many well known plays was Death of a Salesman, he is also remembered for being married to Marilyn Monroe ( 1956 - 1961 ) and what many do not know is he wrote the Screenplay for "The Misfits" which starred Marilyn Monroe (1961) and was her last film before her death in 1962.

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