Thursday, May 30, 2024

Today in Labor History May 30


The Memorial Day Massacre

The Ford Motor Company signed a “Technical Assistance” contract to produce cars in the Soviet Union, and Ford workers were sent to the Soviet Union to train the labor force in the use of its parts. Many American workers made the trip, including Walter Reuther, a tool and die maker who later was to become the UAW’s president.  Reuther returned home with a different view of the duties and privileges of the industrial laborer. – 1929
In what would become known as the Memorial Day Massacre, police opened fire on striking steelworkers, their families, and supporters who were marching to the Republic Steel plant in South Chicago to set up a picket line. The Police killed ten people and pursued those fleeing the attack, wounding over 160. No one was ever prosecuted. – 1937
The Ground Zero cleanup at the site of the World Trade Center was completed three months ahead of schedule due to the heroic efforts of more than 3,000 building tradesmen and women who had worked 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for the previous 8 months. – 2002

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