Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Smokers Beware of Enterprise Rental Cars

As consumers we all have positive and negative experiences with merchants we opt to do business with. The negative experiences generally cause the consumer to shy away from doing business with the offending company again in future transactions.

Last Tuesday I rented a car from Enterprise car rentals in Glendora, and the young man helping me was very polite and courteous. As we went over the contract I had to initial five areas and sign two additional areas, with each spot explained briefly. It was also stated by the salesman that I was not to drive the car out of California.

Once my transmission rebuild was completed for my personal car, I filled the gas tank of the rental and returned the car to the Glendora Enterprise store. The same sweet Youngman helped me once again, and when he returned from inspecting the car for damage and fuel, he stated I would be fined $50.00 for smoking in the vehicle.

When I protested the smoking fee, the salesman reminded me not once, but three times that it was stated on my contract that I was prohibited from smoking in their vehicle. I mentioned to the salesman I would be contacting the corporate office over this, which caused the sweet Youngman to become very aggressive and blurt out “DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM?” which I stated "yes I do, but go ahead and charge my credit card".

I have yet to hear anything from Enterprise regarding my complaint I emailed yesterday, seems complaints are either numerous or take a low priority in this organization.

If you happen to be a smoker and rent a car, ask if this is a smoking or non-smoking car before driving away.

Below are some examples of complaints other have against Enterprise Car Rentals.

David of Phoenix AZ (02/28/08) I rented a car for one day. When I returned it, the person asked, "Did you smoke in the car?" I said that I had. She informed me that the contract disallowed smoking and that I would be charged $150. When I told her no one had told me I could not smoke, she pointed to a line on the contract which I had not seen and which no one had pointed out to me when I rented. Another customer service representative took over and told me he would do me the favor of only charging me $50. I have no problem with Enterprise requiring that renters NOT SMOKE in their cars. But if they really don't want their cars smoked in, all they need to do is put a sign on the dash or near the ash tray that says so. My guess is they LOVE for unaware renters to smoke in their cars because they can then hit them with a ridiculous fee for having done so. I think this is just another scam to bilk renters out of more money. My one-day rental went from about $25 to $78! I will never use Enterprise again.

Juanita of Hephzibah GA (02/18/08) I returned my rental and the branch manager accused me of smoking. I proceeded to tell him that I did not smoke in the vehicle. He picked up a small piece of grass and smelled it, saying that it was marijuana. I told him that maybe who ever had driven the car previously left that. I also told him that I didn't get on my hands and knees to check the interior prior to stepping into the vehicle. I told him that there was no way the car was completely clean because my fiance had found 2 condoms in the glove box. The manager still argued that the car had been smoked in, my witness (who followed me to the branch) also told him I had a baby in the car with me and I did not smoke. I have rented from Enterprise on 4 different occasions within the last 2 years and have never had a problem until last week. I just can't believe the nerve of this branch manager acting like this in front of customers. I work at a local college in the area and what he was saying (about marijuana being smoked) could have ruined my reputation.

As a result of this, Enterprise charged me a $50.00 detailing fee to vacuum up a few pieces of grass or as the branch manager put it, marijuana!

John of Franklin WI (02/04/08) I rented an Uplander while my car was in the shop. Dealership paid for rental for me with insurance. The car smelled like an astray. The girl at the desk said that's too bad, we tell customers not to smoke in vehicle. Funny...I was not told. I could not return car because it was over weekend and they were closed.


Anonymous said...

Why is it always someone else's fault? You signed the contract!

Start taking responsibility for your own decisions/actions and stop complaining that it was someone else's responsibility to take care of you and that they didn't!

And by the way who wants to rent a car that smells like a cigarette.... NOT ME! Thanks Enterprise you get my business!!

Anonymous said...

First, call the Enterprise branch you rented the car from and ask to speak to the manager. If you state that you were not told about the smoking clause although the rest of the contract was explained, they may waive the fee.

If you don't get satisfaction, call the regional headquarters and ask for the vice-president. Explain your situation and you should have the fee waived. To avoid this problem, next time you rent a car, ask if there is a no smoking clause in the contract, and if there is, ask if they offer cars for smokers.

Anonymous said...

BEWARE of renting a car from ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR--they have a National $400+ DENT SCAM...read the posts in Rippoffreport.com and you will see how unscrupulous this company is.......they need to be shut down for their SCAMS....

Klez79 said...

The same thing happened to me when i returned the rental car in Medford MA. I was slapped $75 because i smoked in the car. I was not told about not smoking in the car when i rented it, i asked the manager to show me in the contract where it says i cannot smoke to which he had no answer. He further starts giving me reasons so bizarre i was appalled. I told him that while renting i was not notified about not smoking, there is no sticker anywhere in the car that suggests it's a smoke free vehicle and nothing that i can see on the contract i signed that says smoking inside the car is prohibited. I disagreed to pay the charges incurred but he just goes into the system and slaps the 75 bucks charge. i explained to him i was not gonna sign or not giving him my consent to charge my credit card and he says he does not need my card to throw in the charge. Further as we were arguing i told him "dude i am not going to pay" and he tries to intimidate in very rude voice saying "don't call me your dude i am not your dude" Later on we had had to almost beg to get a ride back home. I repeatedly gave him my address and he comes up asking me where that is...i told him this town this address he asks me where is that....not even asking me the right question "did we pick you up from the same address?" I was very disappointed with how the manager handled the whole thing. very unprofessional approach trying to intimidate the customer about something that does not even exist on the contract we signed.

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

You're a bitch nigga. Plain and simple.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't believe I actually read this entire article, now I feel less intelligent than I did just 5 minutes ago... thanks... oh and you're an absolute idiot & totally retarded. If your would've read your contract like everyone else, you would have seen the no smoking. .. but since you didn't read it .. but some ridiculous way it's someone else's fault... Yea that makes total sense...

You owe me my 5 minutes I wasted reading this... that's 50 bucks. Why... cause I said so...

Anonymous said...

The only addiction that kills other people simply by being there, is cigarettes. The poisons left over from cigarette smokers kills other people-period. I can't even rent a car because of you smokers sitting it in. That's how toxic you all are.

Unknown said...

I AM taking responsibility...I own up to my decision to smoke and it's my God-given right to complain when non-smoking Nazi's take it upon themselves to tell me what I can and can't do...they are infringing on my constitutional rights. Do they fine those that shove Big Macs down their fat gullets while driving their precious cars? NO they DO NOT!
You wouldn't SMELL smoke if Enterprise did their job cleaning each car are before renting It out again! It's my responsibility and my choice...by Enterprises actions alone they are tying to take over both.

Anonymous said...

I'm a smoker too that hates these companies, but if it's in the contract there's no way around it, I don't see they did anything wrong legally. My problem with these rental companies is that they don't have cars for smokers in the first place. I get sick of all the non-smoking BS these days too but if you sign the contract...you can't really blame them.

I will say that I smoke in rental cars all the time and have ways of concealing it and have only been caught once out of more than a dozen times, and that was only because I got a little sloppy. I was a real jerk about it, but I didn't try to "get out of it," or blame them. I just told them to **** off, bill me and reminded them not to miss a spot cleaning it out.

Anonymous said...

Work on your grammar. It seems to me that you were stupid before reading this. Douche.

Anonymous said...

I always win in situations like these, because A) I carry fabreeze and B) I never put ciggs out IN the car, always out the window. When smoking, keep the window down, flick the ashes and cigg outside, and air the car out some (Hell its not your car, leave the windows down when parked) and they cant nail you. They never have bothered me, I always get away with it.

Also another trick, ALWAYS USE A PRE PAID card for picking whiny rental car companies, put exactly what you need on the car plus a few extra bucks, and let them charge till the cows come home.. nothing they can do if the card is declined.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Unless you are using paddles to bid on properties try not to make movements that could be construed as bids.
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Smoke or eat? said...

Smoke cannot simply be "cleaned".You a god-given retard that must have been a abortion mishap courtesy of planned parenthood.If eating and smoking are comparable...stop eating keep smoking and do us a favor..die.

Anonymous said...

Dumb fuck yes it can be cleaned.. My uncle owns a car detailing business . he does not smoke and he said and has proven the car isn't clean until yu smell nothing.. No chemicals no smoke , no nothing.. He works with business men who smoke cigars and burn their seats by the time he is done its as if the car is brand new... People are fucking idiots

Unknown said...

very informative post! thanks for the great sharing..
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Anonymous said...

That's what I do too...

Heck, in all three of my self owned cars no one can tell I smoke in them.

And any car I ever sold, no one could tell I smoked in them for years.

Anonymous said...

An addiction that kills others? How about alcohol. And the govt. won't continue to raise taxes on that in proportion to the damage it does because little, powerless people like you need to try to tell others what to do. I wish I lived near you. I would pump cig smoke into your house. I don't smoke smoke, but I just can't stand little pursues like you.

Anonymous said...

I rented from enterprise in las vegas and the car had ashes all over it and reaked of smoke. I did not want to get charged for it and I am a smoker so if it was a smoking car then that was a big bonus for me. The lady that was going over the vehicle told me that I wouldn't be charged and I could smoke in it also. I was dropping it off in Kingman, AZ so I double checked the contract to make sure that it was not in fine print and that the other location would not charge me. There was nothing in the contract and no non smoking signs. I dropped it off in Kingman and the lady said you smoked in the car. I said yes I did I was told I could. She said no you can not and you will be charged. I asked her where it stated that in the contract. She read the entire contract and an additional contract that I did not receive and she says they do not pass out to customers but is on desk for them to pick up if requested. After 10 minutes of her reading I asked if it takes you that long to find it how was I expected to see it. After a total of 20 minutes of looking she could not find in it any contract. I told her if it is not in the contract I signed and no signs stating that in the car then legally I was not responsible. She said there no answer I would like but that she could still charge me. I told her that I rented a car the week before in TN and they had notified me I could not smoke in the car and had multiple no smoking signs in car. I said since I was notified that I did not smoke in the car all week which I really did not smoke in it. I always follow the rules I am given because I was a using my company credit card and did not want to get in trouble for that charge by my company but if I am told it is ok and there is nothing stating that I cant anywhere in contract or the car then how can you hold me responsible for that. At the end she did not charge me but treated me horrible in front of a lot of other customers when I followed all the rules I was given. In las vegas you smoke almost everywhere so I really thought it was a smoking car and I was lead by their employee that was the case so why am I the bad guy in all of this.

Anonymous said...

I rented a car from Enterprise for one day when my water pump went out on Wednesday. First off,the reservation was a pain because the person I spoke with transferred me to a location that did not have any cars and she could not transfer me back to the first person. I called back and somehow got the "Satisfaction Survey" right away and hung up. Called back again, got another person that transferred me to the survey. Finally on the 3rd or 4th call, I got someone that was helpful and understanding. However, they do NOT "Pick you up" as they say if it's after 5p.m. and/or you're more than 2 miles away. So I managed to get the car the next day and returned it the following day when my truck was done. Then the guy accused me of smoking in it and kept my $150.00 deposit. I did NOT smoke in the car, it smelled exactly like it did when I picked it up and had the same popcorn/trash debris between the seats.The other employee that drove me home in it said she didn't smell anything either. So I got charged for someone else's mess and an imaginary "smell." I don't know what's happened to them. I've used Enterprise several times over the years and have been pretty happy with them. They suck now though and have lost my business and I will spread the word about them for sure.

Unknown said...

When I signed my agreement one of the sections specifically said no smoking and the gentleman told me exactly what it was for and there were two signs in the car that said no smoking. It's kind of common Sense to at least ask.

Anonymous said...

businesses have one objective, and that is to make money. some are interested in making customers happy by being absolutely nice and reasonable and so they go out of their way to tell you policies so you can abide by them; others just hide policies so they can ding people and charge money for nit picky sh*t, counting on your yay-capitalism types like you see in some of the other comments; and finally there are the scheisters who just rip off customers. don't take it personally. just smoke in the rental vehicle if you want to take that risk, clean the car when you're done, then look them in the eye and say "no, i did not smoke in fact i'm not a smoker" and if they catch you, well so what? that's just business. sometimes they win, sometimes the customer wins. it all averages out. if it really bothers you that much then go and buy something at best buy, use it for 29.5 days and return it for a full refund. hey nothing personal, it's just business. this may sound cynical, but no business actually cares about you, they only care about their own survival; and that is exactly what you need to do -- take care of yourself.

rental rates said...

I totally get what you mean with your article. You have some great points, having a negative attitude against buyers and customers can really affect the company in a very bad way.

Anonymous said...

A simple Google search and the hostilities. It's not even smokers vs non-smokers; it's a human being's right to choose what they choose to do; who they do business with and being savvy enough to do our due diligence to support our habits which based on these threads: 1. Smokers having to defend their choice to smoke and 2. Those who don't condemning something that in essence can be handled if the appropriate measures are taken by the rental car company at the time of rental. Both have choices. How we treat each other may not be deemed important; but the rental car companies are having a field day with this one and sleep very comfortably at night going: "Gotcha!" on both sides of the aisle. Anonymously informed

Anonymous said...

You capitalists? Soo I guess you're a Socialist, actually Communist with zero education and a head filled with Leftist propaganda they get from watching CNN or MSNBC like a good sheep. The only reason you're able to make such stupid comments on a platform such as this is because of...yes. CAPITALISM. Libtard.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yay capitalist types? Soo by that choice of words you must be a tax loving,Constitution hating, big government dependent snowflake. Who is only allowed to make such stupid statements on a platform such as this thx to CAPITALISM. Read more, and watch less CNN you communist.

NOO said...


NOO said...

Yeah whoever posted that the original poster should die because of an Enterprise review is a fucking clown. Wtf are you a stockholder or something? Because that’s a crazy and fucked up thing to say about someone who posted a review. Grow some decency, you god damn savage.

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