Thursday, May 03, 2007

Employee Q&A on Food Vendor Change

Food Services Vendor Change & Gallery Closure
Question & Answers
May 2, 2007

Why has the Los Angeles Times made the decision to change food services vendors?
Answer: The Company is looking at all aspects of how we can operate more effectively including food services. Based on a variety of factors, we determined that a new vendor, CulinArt, is the right decision. We believe they will be able to offer Los Angeles Times employees an excellent food service experience.

What does this mean for the Aramark employees? Will they be employed by the new vendor or stay with Aramark at another facility?
Answer: Food service employees are employed by Aramark, not the Los Angeles Times. Therefore, Aramark will make the personnel decisions regarding their employees. CulinArt will consider current food service employees that express an interest in working for CulinArt; however, the final decision to hire those interested is up to CulinArt.

Why is the Gallery being closed altogether?
Answer: The Gallery’s usage over the past few years continued to decrease. Only a small number of employees use the facility and as such, it is heavily subsidized by the Company. Although this was a difficult decision, we hope the impact will be minimal with our ability to maintain/enhance other food services with the new vendor. The Gallery will close on Friday, May 25, 2007.

Can I use my Gallery vouchers up until the facility closes?
Answer: Yes, and you will be able to purchase vouchers from the Company Store up until the closure date.

Is there a plan to close other food service facilities or services?
Answer: Not at this time. We plan to work closely with CulinArt over the next few months to monitor the operation and to make enhancements where possible.

Will the dining facilities be closed during the transition?
Answer: The transition calls for the closure of the three dining facilities over a long weekend, June 1, 2 and 3. The facilities will reopen on Monday, June 4, 2007. We will determine what type of food items we can offer during this weekend. More details to follow. Leading up to the transition, you may find less variety in the food service facilities due to inventories being reduced. Please be understanding during this time.

What will CulinArt offer that Aramark didn’t?
Answer: CulinArt’s operational practices combine the advantage of personal attention with a solid infrastructure, the perfect blend for a partnership with the Los Angeles Times. Their primary focus is on driving a quality food first program that strives to buy the highest quality product and serve it at the lowest possible price while engaging each guest. They are the area’s largest privately owned regional contract dining service company with an excellent track record and a unique approach to contract dining services.

Will the prices change?
Answer: CulinArt will strive to keep prices consistent with what is currently offered. However, some items may be less, some more. CulinArt will introduce new items over time. We, in conjunction with CulinArt, will be soliciting feedback regarding employee interests and suggestions to provide the best value for your food services menus. You may not know that the Times subsidize the costs in order to keep prices at a reasonable level.

What will happen to Java City?
Answer: CulinArt intends to transform this coffee spot into a Seattle’s Best kiosk however this is still in the discussion stage.

What about catering?
Answer: CulinArt will offer a comprehensive, quality catering services program.

Will the hours of operation change?
Answer: There are no plans to change the operating hours. In the future we will work closely with CulinArt to evaluate the overall operation and change hours if appropriate.

I used to have lunch meetings in the Gallery, where can I have them where it is more private than the Spring Street Café?
Answer: We are considering the potential option of using the meeting room in the Spring Street Café (behind the TV) as a more private seating area. This will be determined in the future. In the meantime, you can use CulinArt’s catering service and order food to be brought to any meeting rooms such as the Atrium, etc. as you may have done in the past.

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